10 Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

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Sometimes a game doesn’t need to be in the horror genre to creep you out or terrify you. Plenty of other games uses horror elements to create unique experience, and keep you on the edge of your seat. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most memorable non-horror games out there, that still manage to evoke fear or surprise. Here are ten non-horror games that will still creep you out.

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Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Majora’s Mask feels like a fever dream, a creepy offshoot of the main Zelda series that has a fantastic atmosphere and theme. Right from the very start, the game is set to a terrifying tone, with a giant faced moon hovering above the world of Termina at all times.

It’s a race against the clock to save the world from the moon crashing down and causing the apocalypse, and if time runs out you’re treated to a wonderful scene of link dying horribly in a fire after the crash. This isn’t even to mention the absolutely horrifying transformations Link goes through whenever he puts one of the main masks on.

Majora’s Mask is a decidedly grim game, and there’s any number of weird and creepy creatures to meet. Whether it’s the strange hand sticking out of a toilet in Clock Town, the lingering spirit of a dancing master named Kamaro, or an alien invasion to stop at a nearby ranch.

Out of any Zelda game out there, Majora’s Mask is the closest the series has even leaned to horror. It’s one of the most beloved titles in the entire series, and for good reason. It’s a surreal horror-inspired experience, and there’s nothing quite like it in all of video games.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

Dark Souls

Dark Souls is technically Dark Fantasy, but it certainly feels like a horror game in many ways. Even the simple fact that you’re playing as an undead soul fits the bill exactly.

The Dark Souls series consistently surprises you with traps and enemies lurking around every corner, and even treasure chest mimics that’ll make you jump out of your seat. The sheer tension and terror of each combat encounter also makes it as stressful as any great horror game.

To add to all this, Dark Souls’ enemy design is often horrifying, from the mutilated Lycanthropes in Dark Souls 3 to the odd-looking Mushroom People of the first game. There’s a variety of reasons Dark Souls might give you nightmares, but just know, it’s definitely not for the faint of heart.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

Gone Home

Gone Home

Let’s get something out of the way first. If you haven’t played Gone Home and don’t know anything about it, go play it right now before you read this. Alright, now that’s done, we can continue.

Gone Home doesn’t actually have any creepy monsters or actual horror elements, but its oppressive atmosphere is chock full of tension and dread. Going in blind to Gone Home presents you with an eerie abandoned house in the middle of an intense thunderstorm.

As you explore every nook and cranny of the house, you stumble upon secrets of the family, mementos, and memories. There’s a core mystery to unravel during its 2-3 hour runtime and it’s much more normal than what you expect considering the tone, although no less heartbreaking.

By using a horror game atmosphere and visual design, Gone Home achieves a masterful tone that manages to really send through its core message.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out


Firewatch, PlayStation 4, review

In Firewatch, the main character, Henry, has taken a job as a Park Ranger in Yellowstone in order to escape the grim reality of his life. It’s a solitary experience and you never actually come face-to-face with another human in the game. Even in real life, this kind of seclusion can lead to intense paranoia, and paranoia is one of the big overarching themes of Firewatch.

As the narrative of Firewatch unfolds, you start to uncover an insidious plot that plants the seed of doubt within Henry. Before long he, and you, are jumping at shadows, not sure what’s really going on in Yellowstone.

This reaches critical mass when you enter a terrifying cave, with an atmosphere ripped right out of a horror game. Firewatch may be another title that’s about the furthest you’d think from a horror game, but its paranoia elements bleed tension into the overall experience.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII took a much darker turn than past entries before it, even Final Fantasy VI, and there are quite a few unsettling moments scattered throughout. The game really shows how dark it’s going to be when Cloud and company are captured by Shinra and put in cells. The party wakes up to a horrendous massacre by Sephiroth with blood and dead bodies littering every corner of the Shinra building.

From that moment on, Final Fantasy VII continues to get darker and more twisted with your journey into the Nibelheim mansion, the flashback to the burning of Nibelheim, Sephiroth’s descent into madness, Hojo’s twisted experiments, Cloud’s mental breakdown, the creepy hooded figures muttering about the “reunion” and more.

There’s some seriously twisted content in the game, and we can’t wait to see how it all pans out in the Final Fantasy VII Remake. 

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2’s dystopic future is pretty jarring from the get-go as the Combine chase you through the ruins of City 17. Still, things are pretty standard sci-fi fare, that is, until you reach Ravenholm. Cryptic hints and details from NPCs are all you have to go on about the abandoned city, but once you actually reach the place and the words “We Don’t Go to Ravenholm” pop up for the start of the chapter, you know you’re in for something.

Ravenhom is a nightmarish apocalypse crammed full of zombies, headcrabs, and other abominations. Devices of torture lie around everywhere, and you’re able to use the Gravity Gun to fling giant buzz saws at enemies.

To make matters even worse, ammo for most of your guns becomes incredibly scarce in Ravenholm, forcing you to evade enemies and use the Gravity Gun more and more. In the span of minutes, Half-Life 2 turns from sci-fi shooter to full on survival horror, and it’s one of the most unforgettable sequences of the game.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out


Much like Half-Life 2, the original Halo takes a decidedly dark and twisted turn partway through the game. The main antagonists of Halo, the Covenant, have pushed humanity to the brink with their overwhelming military might. Exploring the world of Halo is mysterious enough, but things really get thrown for a loop once the humans discover the flood. The horrifying zombie-like creatures infect humans and Covenant alike, morphing them into grotesque undead forms.

The Flood swarm and rush you, requiring you to change up the tactics you’ve been using up until this point. Then, later on, you get to the mission The Library, a harrowing gauntlet of a facility that you have to make your way through completely alone. You start with only a pistol and a shotgun, with very little ammo, requiring you to scavenge and scrape for weapons as you go, hounded by The Flood the entire way.

By looping in survival horror elements, the original Halo felt completely fresh and exhilarating, and the game’s moody neon aesthetic only helped set the tone.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out


Uncharted is a thrilling Indiana Jones-style adventure. One minute you’re searching for lost treasure aboard a marooned Nazi submarine then, bam, you find yourself face-to-face with horrifying zombies. The supernatural twist in Uncharted comes so out of left field that it can be truly terrifying, purely because of how unexpected it is.

The dark and dingy halls of the submarine certainly give off horror vibes, especially as you advance through the area with nothing but your flashlight.

The zombie creatures are much faster than the humans that you’ve fought the entire game, and they dash at you on all fours. The cramped halls and agile enemies make this whole section of the game feel like a sequence you’d find in Resident Evil or The Evil Within.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

Batman: Arkham Asylum


Considering the entire game is set in an asylum full of supervillains, it’s no surprise that Batman: Arkham Asylum would take quite a few inspirations from horror games. In fact, Arkham Asylum sets its overall tone to be creepy right from the start, when you enter the dingy building and escort the Joker in a straight jacket.

There are more than a few surprises in Arkham Asylum to keep you on your toes, from the adrenaline-fueled battle with Killer Croc to the nightmarish sequence the Scarecrow puts Batman through.

Arkham Asylum became one of the greatest superhero games of all time for a variety of reasons, but one of those was a smart use of tone and horror elements.

Non-Horror Games That Will Still Creep You Out

Metroid Fusion

Metroid has long combined elements of horror and sci-fi into a unique experience, making you a lone bounty hunter exploring a planet determined to kill you. The music, visual design, and overall aesthetic of Metroid games are always top-notch for setting up a tense experience, but Metroid Fusion tops them all.

From the very start, Fusion has a very horror-like setup. Samus is infected by a parasite and after her Power Armer physically grafts itself onto her body, it has to be surgically removed, leaving her in a much weakened, and more vulnerable state. When Samus is sent to investigate an infected space station, she finds the same parasite that infected her there, known as X. The parasite has taken Samus’ infected Power Armor and turned it into a new lifeform called SA-X, that mimics Samus at full power.

Fusion goes through the typical loop of finding upgrades and new weapons, but the entire time you’re on the run from the terrifying SA-X. The destructive organism constantly hunts you, and there are even a few white-knuckle sequences that have you running for your life from the creature.

Metroid Fusion is one of the creepiest games to ever grace a Nintendo handheld, and it’s horror elements are as stress inducing as any straight up horror game.

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Image of Hayes Madsen
Hayes Madsen
A connoisseur of all things RPG related, and always looking for the artistic expression in gaming. His love of Gundam is only matched by his love of Pizza. Playing Games Since: 1991 Favorite Genres: RPGs, JRPGs, Strategy,