
10 of the Best Gaming Companies That Do Twitter Right

Definitely worth a follow.

Overwatch – Blizzard

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Sometimes a truly great Twitter account isn’t always about having the best original tweets. Sometimes just having the best retweets is enough to garner an incredible amount of fanfare and followers. Overwatch’s account certainly takes advantage of this by sharing tons of unique content created by their fans. The Overwatch Twitter account consistently shares fan art, cosplays, memes, gameplay footage and pretty much anything else that fans have created to celebrate Blizzard’s insanely successful game. This is exactly why the account not only comes across as being entertaining, but it also helps build and cater to the game’s rapidly expanding community.

In addition to sharing tons of fan-generated content, the Overwatch account keeps followers up to date with patch notes and event announcements, hosts fun giveaways, and even pokes fun at members of the community. Whoever is behind this Twitter account loves to throw a little shade from time to time in a way that’s just fun and makes the account feel more human. You may catch the account telling players to “git gud” or even playfully teasing its own development team. If there is one serious lesson PlayOverwatch could teach other gaming accounts on Twitter, it’s that social media content should really feel like it’s coming from a friend rather than a bot or some PR script.

Nintendo of America

Nintendo is the only one of the Big Three that really has a stand out presence on Twitter. While Microsoft and Sony will be sure to give you all the news links and quick updates you need, neither of the accounts are particularly entertaining or impressive in terms of personality. Nintendo of America, on the other hand, loves to have a good time with their followers. In fact, if you have noticed a sudden influx of Luigi dabbing all over your timeline, you have Nintendo of America to thank or blame — depending on how you feel about dabbing. Either way, Nintendo of America rarely has a boring moment on Twitter so they are worth a follow even if you aren’t the biggest Nintendo fan. So step your Twitter game up, Sony and Microsoft.

The Sims – EA

The Sims 4, Dine Out

The Sims Twitter account does a great job of sharing news and updates about the games while also offering a lot of fun content that brings the personality of The Sims to life. The Sims account shares fan-generated content, original gifs, and memes, and a ton of fun polls that really keep their followers engaged. As an added bonus, The Sims also loves reminding you about wacky holidays. Whether it’s National Bowling Day or Take Your Plants for a Walk Day, you can bet that The Sims will have an interesting way of celebrating. Just in case that wasn’t enough though, The Sims also offers up #MondayMotivation, #FantasyFriday, and #SundayFunday posts to keep you entertained throughout the week.

Destiny – Bungie


Destiny’s Twitter account is proof that being a star on social media doesn’t always require an account laced with comedic gold. Destiny has a few tweets that will get some laughs out of you but you won’t find yourself cracking up from the vast majority of their content. Instead of going for humor, Destiny is far more focused on being informative.

Of course, every gaming account spends a lot of time sharing updates and news about its respective game. Destiny just proves that disseminating this information doesn’t have to be a complete bore. Destiny’s Twitter account gets celebrity fans involved, utilizes great multimedia content, and provides gameplay tips and advice all while also finding ways to engage with the massive community that has formed around the game. It’s no surprise that Destiny has a pretty easy time creating visually engaging posts for social media since it is one of the best looking games out there with tons of cinematic material to work with.

Deus Ex – Eidos

deus ex, adam jensen, voice actor

If there had to be an award for most creative content on a gaming Twitter account, Deus Ex would certainly be at the top of that nominee list. While Deus Ex doesn’t post as frequently as many other gaming accounts, the content that is shared on the account is particularly interesting. The game came out in August of 2016, which means there isn’t necessarily a ton of news to share about the title.

What there is, however, are a ton of real life content about bionics that is absolutely fascinating. In addition to sharing updates about apparel, current sales, updates, and fun fan art, Deus Ex will also fill your timeline with tons of true stories about awesome bionic limbs. Whether it’s sharing the latest 3D printed bionic arm or celebrating the story of veterans receiving bionic limbs that seem like your wildest sci-fi dreams come to life, Deus Ex will have you fascinated with the way technology can replace parts of the human body. Of course, if you’re not too into that Deus Ex also shares a lot of fan-generated content that’s pretty entertaining.


Ubisoft is another Twitter account that strikes a great balance between being silly and entertaining and dishing out important information that their followers would be interested in. What Ubisoft gets right that many other gaming accounts don’t quite get is that making announcements doesn’t have to be a cookie-cutter tweet that sounds like a snippet of a press release.

Ubisoft is great at finding original multimedia content to attach to tweets about news in order to give the information a bit of personality as well. That’s a pretty easy task for Ubisoft though, considering the fact that the publisher has a particularly fun group of games out at the moment. With Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, the Assassin’s Creed series, Just Dance, Far Cry, and Rainbow Six Siege under Ubisoft’s belt, the publisher never has a shortage of content to share with its followers. Don’t get us wrong. Ubisoft also shares a ton of your usual gaming company news in a way that’s not as exciting but the fact that the boring moments are outweighed by far more interesting ones is worth letting Ubisoft continue tossing goodies onto your timeline.



The official Twitter page of all things Sonic has steamrolled its way past 3.4 million followers and it’s not hard to see why. In addition to being a page dedicated to one of the most iconic characters in video game history, the Twitter account itself is filled with content that engages with fans while also paying homage to everyone’s favorite blue hedgehog. The Sonic Twitter account will fill your timeline with early sneak peeks at gameplay footage, promo announcements for some great collectibles, fun interactions with their followers, and a ton of tidbits that allow game devs to poke fun at themselves and Sonic’s iconic cast of characters.

The content shared on Sonic’s Twitter on a daily basis is already great enough to make you really want to keep up with Sonic’s latest adventures but another hidden gem with this account is that not everything is actually Sonic. Sometimes it’s nice to see a gaming company step away from obsessing over their own creation and instead share their opinion about the random insanity that often takes over pop culture. For instance, when the dancing hot dog meme began taking over the Internet in July, the team behind Sonic’s social media made their feelings about it very clear.

League of Legends – Riot

League of Legends Star Guardian Janna Splash Art

For a game that’s often taken as seriously as League of Legends, this game certainly has a light-hearted and fun social media presence. League of Legends’ insanely massive following is obviously its biggest asset when it comes to generating a ton of great content on Twitter. There are countless amazing cosplayers that pick League of Legends characters as their muse so it’s easy for the gaming account to fill its timeline by sharing these fan-made creations.

Outside of sharing cosplays, League of Legends is one of the few gaming accounts that takes advantage of the ability to share infographic videos on Twitter. Instead of linking gameplay tips and walkthroughs to another site or platform that ultimately steers followers away from the League of Legends account and can feel like an annoying added step for those who are casually strolling through the social media platform, League of Legends creates short videos the share directly on their account. These videos are usually no longer than a minute but they cram a lot of useful information into a simple video format. While you have the option of following a link to an external source, it’s nice knowing that you don’t have to.

When it comes to sharing information for its followers, League of Legends is a pro at making the process fun and convenient — and that’s really what Twitter’s 140 character rule is all about.


ELEAGUE is far newer than the rest of the accounts on this list but their Twitter account has already garnered a huge following thanks to their often hilarious collection of original content. ELEAGUE is constantly sharing videos, memes, and gifs they have created just for the sake of entertaining their followers. The best part of it all, however, is the way they get the entire esports community involved.

ELEAGUE features esports pros, excited fans, and industry affiliates but utilizes these familiar and excited faces in a way that is fresh and hilarious. The account has already shown Richard Lewis stalking players through the grocery store, repurposed Rick and Morty’s Schwifty moment, turned gaming pros into Sesame Street characters, exposed a Pikachu in their live audience getting extremely excited about a pair of fidget spinners on another audience member’s head and… in all honesty, you just have to see it for yourself.

ELEAGUE has an account that combines the epic intensity of esports with the most delightful air of ridiculousness and humor that brings the personality of the competitive gaming industry to life. Whether you are into esports or not, ELEAGUE is one account that will coax you into spending far too much time scrolling down their timeline.

Wolfenstein – Bethesda

Wolfenstein’s Twitter account seriously benefits from the fact that the game has a stellar marketing campaign overall. Following Wolfenstein on Twitter will fill your timeline with a variety of different ways the team pokes fun at Nazi rule, hateful beliefs, and the widespread use of propaganda during World War II. The account does a great job of taking old content from the early days of television and repurposing it for the sake of promoting the wildly popular franchise.

When Wolfenstein isn’t spending time providing comedy-laced versions of the past, it’s showing off the cast from a faux TV show that would likely exist during this alternate reality or just keeping fans up to date with general information. Wolfenstein doesn’t necessarily have a strong focus on comedy but it’s not a very serious account either. It lies in the gray area between the two, providing entertaining content that will sometimes coax a chuckle out of you but will almost always leave you smiling to yourself and getting lost scrolling down their timeline.

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Image of Taylor Danielle
Taylor Danielle
Just a girl that likes gaming, anime & singing K Pop in the shower. She's worked as an entertainment journalist for roughly four years but finds rumors about video games to be way more interesting than gossip about real people. Go figure. Taylor wrote for Twinfinite from 2016 through until 2018 covering everything anime and The Sims 4, among anything else that caught her eye.