
7 Game Companies That Need Their Own BlizzCon

Shut up and take our money.


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Capcom has a lot of dedicated fans for their games, which is saying a lot as many of their most popular games have been around for over fifteen years. The Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and Mega Man franchises still have huge followings. Not to mention that this could be a great place to host the annual Capcom Cup, which is considered to be one of the largest fighting game tournaments out there. Since Capcom sponsors the event, it only feels right that they would host it rather than the PlayStation Experience. Capcom deserves to have its own Capcon.

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Image of Chelsea Ishikawa
Chelsea Ishikawa
Chelsea is a gamer, fangirl, writer and activist. She is just as comfortable defending her OTPs as she is protesting for worthy causes. She has an encyclopedic knowledge about anything pop culture. You can find her playing games online under the username Chilliepop. Chelsea covered anything and everything within the video games sphere as a freelance writer for Twinfinite between March 2016 and May 2017.