Force Entrance Exam
The man with a million poses wants to be your mentor! The first part of Captain Ginyu’s mentor quest in Dragon Ball XenoVerse is much like others in that you simply need to prove your strength by beating the ever loving crap out of the infamous Dragon Ball Z villain. Once you finish this one two of seven stars battle, you’ll get Captain Ginyu as your mentor and potentially some rewards!
- 1,200Â zeni
- Energy Capsule M
- Energy Capsule L
- Fighting Pose F
That was easy, wasn’t it? Once you’re done, leave and level up to access Ginyu’s next mentor quest.
Force Welcoming Fight!
A two out of seven stars battle awaits you with Ginyu’s next quest. He wants you to fight three Ginyu Force officers. You’ll be teamed up with Ginyu and Guido so don’t worry about being alone! Completing this can potentially get you the following rewards:
- 1,500 zeni
- Med. Mix Capsule
- High Mix Capsule
- Fighting Pose A
After this ridiculously easy battle (mentors get very difficult), let’s move on to the third quest in Captain Ginyu’s mentor line. This next one gets harder!
Force Special Training!
Captain Ginyu wants to fight three opponents in order. First, Burter. Then, Jeice. And finally, you need to defeat Ginyu himself. This battle is one star difficulty rating higher than the last one, but don’t let that fool you, it’s pretty tough. Your HP won’t regenerate after each win. Great! Do this in under five minutes and you have a chance at these rewards:
- 1,900Â zeni
- Regen Shard
- Regen Crystal
- All-Regen Shard
- All-Regen Crystal
- Milky Cannon
After this, you only have the final battle to complete Ginyu’s mentor quest line, congratulations!
Force Very Special Training!
Ginyu’s final mentor battle is the worst. It’s absolutely nothing compared to the much harder mentors like Beerus or Goku, but it’s still pretty ridiculous. Which is a fair trade off as the Body Change move is one of the best in the game. What he wants you to do now is defeat all five Ginyu Force members in order. Oh, but if you take too long, the next will jump in without a care in the world. Totally fair! Manage to not break your controller in a fury within five minutes and you’ll possibly net these rewards:
- 3,500 zeni
- Let Me Show You How It’s Done
- High Mix Capsule
- Energy Crystal
- Aura Crystal
- Body Change
That’s it! If you so choose, you can spar with Ginyu after this and get a chance to receive the Aren’t I Nice z-soul. Other than that, you’re all set with Ginyu’s mentor quests in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. Feel free to redo them as you please for higher ratings and more of the rewards!
Published: Mar 2, 2015 01:49 pm