Every month, those who are subscribed to Microsoft’s online services are also gifted a few free games via their Games with Gold program. Usually a few larger games make the list, often coming from a AAA studio or at least being a well-known and well-received title.
For the upcoming month of March 2018, we suspect Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain might make a great addition for one big reason. Sony made fans very happy a few months ago when it added an extremely popular and well-known AAA title to its PS Plus list, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, in October 2017. With games of that caliber being released on PS Plus, it might be smart for Microsoft to put critical comparisons of its own program to rest by offering the same game in order to please their own members. As well, Metal Gear Solid V is a fantastic game that released back in 2015 to immense praise, and it’s been long enough since its release that it’s possible for it to be included for free in programs like PS Plus or Games with Gold.
Another likely candidate could be Mad Max developed by Avalanche Studios in 2015. The game is already included in the Xbox Game Pass subscription, wherein you paid a monthly fee of $9.99 and get unlimited access to over a hundred titles on Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Since it is already available “for free” on a different program for Microsoft, it’s not hard to see it also being included in the Games with Gold subscription to make Mad Max fans happy who might not have decided the Game Pass is for them.
Check out page two were we look at the possible indie inclusion for Games with Gold in March 2018.
Usually an indie title also makes it to Games with Gold alongside some other larger games, and for Match 2018 we believe Yooka-Laylee might make it to players, if not next month then sometime pretty soon.
When Yooka-Laylee was first announced and funded on Kickstarter in 2015 with over £2 million raised, players were super excited to try out this spiritual successor to the beloved Banjo-Kazooie series from a core group of former Rare employees. It follows a similar gameplay format with a duo-team working together with their unique abilities to traverse colorful open-world areas. However, upon release it did not get as high of scores as players were hoping for. Currently for the Xbox One platform it has a 73 Metacritic score, while Banjo-Kazooie for N64 has a 92 and Banjo-Tooie also for N64 has a 90.
Therefore, a few people might have not gotten around to picking up Yooka-Laylee upon its initial release, and would really appreciate a chance to try it out now, especially if they were originally Banjo-Kazooie fans. As well, the title also released on numerous other platforms including PC, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, so its less likely Microsoft would be worried about losing sales of this title than if it was just an Xbox One exclusive.
Make sure you check back with Twinfinite in hopefully just a few weeks when the list of Game with Gold free games is officially announced by Microsoft.
Published: Feb 13, 2018 2:00 PM UTC