Royal Rat Vanguard – Dark Souls II
Rats are one of those essential video game enemies that rarely can muster up anything close to a fight. In most titles, they are portrayed as quite weak and sometimes serve as tutorial foes for players to practice on. However, there are some rats that are far more dangerous that can easily kill a player who underestimates them. Then there are some video game rats that are just a nuisance who only appear to exist to annoy players. If you are looking for even more of a reason to hate rats here are 7 of them who are just the worst.
The Dark Souls series is known for delivering punishing bosses and the Royal Rat Vanguard found in The Gutter are a fantastic example of this. While they may be one of the game’s easier bosses, it’s incredibly easy to get cornered and poisoned to death. Since this is a swarming foe expect to deal with a lot of angry rats during this fight while you try to kill the lead one who sprouts a stylish mohawk to intimidate his foes.
Given that there is an endless amount of rats that flood in, this fight can easily spin out of control if you aren’t fast or using the correct weapons. But hey, at least there’s a bonfire literally right next to the door, right?
The Skaven Army – Warhammer : The End Times – Vermintide
In this Left 4 Dead-like title, you and three others are tasked with saving a large city from the brink of destruction from a swarm of giant anthropomorphic rat monsters known as Skaven. The catch is that these rats are just some sewer dwelling rodent for you to squash, but human sized, armor wearing, weapon wielding enemies that want nothing more than to stab you to death.
The Skaven are fast, agile, and nearly endless which can make saving this city a monumental task for the ill prepared. That’s not even mentioning the specialized forms such as a hulk brute of a rat, one that uses toxins, and a rat that uses a massive machine gun to mow you down. Thanks, but I think we will go back to the poisonous enemies of the Royal Rat Vanguard, at least they didn’t have chain guns.
Rattata – Pokemon GO
While Rattata has appeared in a large number of the Pokemon games, its appearances in Pokemon GO are just downright frustrating. Acting as one of the very common Pokemon that you can pretty much find anywhere you will be seeing a lot of this little rodent. The problem is that as you begin to level up and hunt for rarer Pokemon, Rattata keeps showing up again and again as if to mock your inability to find a Gengar or Charizard.
What’s worse is that it is completely useless in holding gyms, which makes Rattata not even worth the time to train and evolve. It doesn’t help that Pokemon GO doesn’t have a way to filter out Pokemon appearing that you’ve already caught, so you will constantly see this one appear around your lures. Go away Rattata we have like a dozen of you already!
Twitch – League of Legends
Twitch is a ranged fighter who uses his ability to go invisible and poison skills to quickly decimate foes in fights. This large, crossbow-wielding rat can deal a tremendous amount of toxic damage to other champions if they aren’t paying attention, which allows him to pick up easy, early game kills. Couple this with his cloaking ability to sneak up on targets and you have one annoying rat to deal with in your lane.
He’s a very powerful character who, if left unchecked, can win entire team fights thanks to his ultimate’s ability to pierce targets while stacking poison damage. Twitch embodies everything that’s annoying about video game rats such as their survivability, craftiness, and ability to carry transmittable diseases that will kill you.
Rat Guards – Ghost of a Tale
In Ghost of a Tale you play an adorable mouse with a lute trying to escape the evil rats that have flooded the land. These menacing foes are not only twice as big as you but can kill you very fast if you aren’t careful. This requires you to sneak around them as much as possible, which creates rather tense scenarios for players. Unlike most rat enemies which swarm in packs, it’s the sheer size of the soldiers in Ghost of Tale that makes them terrifying.
These guys are incredibly menacing both in design and gameplay, which forces you to avoid contact with them throughout most of the game. Oh, did we mention there are ones that are just skeletons? Yeah, it doesn’t really get any better when you decide to go on this adventure.
Larry the Rat – Rampage
One of the unlockable characters in the classic 1986 beat-em-up Rampage, Larry is a massive rat that is nearly the size of a skyscraper. However, Larry wasn’t always a rat, as he was once a cashier who decided to eat some tainted cream spinach on a dare. This caused him to grow and mutate into the massive monster we have before us and Larry is utterly terrifying. Not only can Larry take down entire city skylines by himself, but this rodent can withstand bullets, tank rounds, and bombing runs. Maybe they should just get some cheese and a giant mouse trap next time he goes stomping around downtown.
Rats – Dishonored
At first glance, the rats in Dishonored just appear like another aesthetic addition to help add depth to the world of Dishonored. That is, until you escape from prison in the first chapter and then stumble upon a horde of rats devouring two unfortunate guards. These little guys are incredibly deadly as they can kill a player within a few seconds if you don’t get to high ground. While you can use them to your advantage, they have a bad habit of showing up in very small spaces where you have barely any room to escape.
Plus, unless you want to stand around them and hack away with your blade there are only a few ways to effectively get rid of a swarm. This makes you either need to hold onto your grenades for them or to always uses your Dark Vision power to spot them. They can become even more annoying if you’re attempting a “no kill” run due to them counting as killing an enemy if they eat a knocked out guard. Hopefully, in Dishonored 2 the rats all just died off and we never have to see them again… hopefully.
Published: Nov 8, 2016 5:00 PM UTC