
Best Builds in RH2 The Journey – Beta

Are you playing for fun or sweating?

Player in RH2 The Journey
Image Source: BAX Studio

If you want to know what is meta in RH2 right now, then you’re in the right place. We’ve tested builds for all positions extensively and compiled a list of the best ones. Now, they won’t increase your skill by default, but playing with them and getting wins will be much easier. Anyway, without further ado, here is our list of the best builds in RH2 The Journey.

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Best PG Build in RH2 The Journey – Playmaking Shot Creator

The Playmaking Shot Creator is by far the best build you can create for a PG in RH2 The Journey. It’s a product of a good balance between shooting, finishing, playmaking, dribbling, and speed. Plus, with the stat distribution below, your defense will be solid as well. Let’s first take a look at what vitals you should choose.

Best PG Build Vitals

  • Height — 6’5″
  • Weight — 170 lbs

6’5″ is just the perfect height for a PG in RH2 right now, and so is the 170 lbs weight. This combo caps your stats at just the right values so you can get all the best badges at Silver+ and some of them on Gold and HoF. You can also go with 6’2″ or 6’6″, but they lead to very different builds that aren’t as versatile as this one.

Best PG Build Attribute Point Distribution

    • Close Shot — 55
    • Driving Layup — 80 (priority upgrade)
    • Driving Dunk — 25
    • Standing Dunk — 25
    • Post Control — 25
    • Mid Range Shot — 88
    • Three Point Shot — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Free Throw — 65
    • Pass Accuracy — 86
    • Ball Handle — 85
    • Speed With Ball — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Interior Defense — 25
    • Perimeter Defense — 80
    • Steal — 84
    • Block — 25
    • Rebound — 25
    • Speed — 89 (priority upgrade)
    • Acceleration — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Strength — 43
    • Vertical — 25
    • Stamina — 90 (priority upgrade)

This stat distribution is optimal for badges and gameplay. However, you can also customize a few of them, most notably Free Throw, Speed With Ball, and Speed. Play around with them as much as you like; just make sure that the badge points stay the same.

Best PG Build Takeovers

  • Lone Ranger/Bone Collector — Both Lone Ranger and Bone Collector are good. I prefer LR, as it makes you a much bigger threat against bad perimeter defenders.
  • Rolling Deep — Every team boost is viable. Choose whichever one works best for you.

Best PG Build Badges

    • Relentless Finisher (Gold) — Thanks to the 55 you invested into Close Shot, you’ll be able to get Relentless Finisher at gold. It’s the best layup badge you can have on guard builds in RH2 The Journey.
    • Tireless Shooter (Gold) — Since you’ll often be making shots while low on stamina, Tireless Shooter is just great.
    • Range Extender (Gold) — Range Extender boosts green window size by a lot for long-range shots.
    • Quick Draw (Gold) — Quick Draw is probably the best shooting badge for guard builds in RH2. It’s a must for any non-big, really.
    • Difficult Shots (Silver) — You can skip Difficult Shots and take something else. Still, I think it isn’t that bad.
    • Fearless Shooter (Silver) — Fearless Shooter works both when you’re catch-and-shooting and when you’re shooting off the dribble and away from a defender.
    • Dimer (HoF) — Dimer (HoF) is a goated badge for a playmaker. You can also go Dimer (Gold) + Unpluckable (Gold) + Ankle Breaker (Silver).
    • Unpluckable (Silver) — Against so many 6’2″ PGs with HOF PP, you’ll need this.
    • Lob City Passer (Silver) — LBP is one of the best passing perks in RH2. Use it for better alley oops.
    • Handless For Days (Silver) — Handless For Days is a must for any ball handler.
    • Quick Chain (Silver) — Faster dribbles equal better ankle breaks.
    • Ankle Breaker (Bronze) — Ankle Breaker is good but not as much as other playmaking badges I listed.
    • Pick Pocket (Gold) — Pick Pocket is just mandatory for guards.
    • Pick Dodger (Silver) — Pick Dodger is my personal preference. If you want, you can replace it with Clamps (Silver).
    • Bullhorn (Silver) — Bullhorn is amazing for bumping other PGs.
    • Tireless Defender (Silver) — Tireless Defender is your second priority amongst defensive perks. It allows you to keep up with your opponent much more easily.

Best SG Build in RH2 The Journey – 2-Way Sharpshooter

This 2-Way Sharpshooter is virtually unguardable because of the maxed-out 3pt, HoF Quick Draw, and HoF Range Extender. Plus, your perimeter defense, driving, and passing will be solid, too. It’s basically Klay but on steroids. Here are the details.

Best SG Build Vitals

  • Height — 6’7″
  • Weight — 180 lbs

Maximum height (6’7″) and minimum weight (180 lbs) are always the way to go for shooting guards in RH2 The Journey, and you’ll see them in all the best builds. This combo allows you to max out your shooting while keeping your agility at an acceptable level. Plus, the extra height will prove invaluable on defense.

Best SG Build Attribute Point Distribution

    • Close Shot — 55
    • Driving Layup — 95 (priority upgrade)
    • Driving Dunk — 25
    • Standing Dunk — 25
    • Post Control — 25
    • Mid Range Shot — 95 (priority upgrade)
    • Three Point Shot — 95 (priority upgrade)
    • Free Throw — 65
    • Pass Accuracy — 78
    • Ball Handle — 70
    • Speed With Ball — 70
    • Interior Defense — 25
    • Perimeter Defense — 90
    • Steal — 78
    • Block — 25
    • Rebound — 25
    • Speed — 79 (priority upgrade)
    • Acceleration — 75 (priority upgrade)
    • Strength — 60
    • Vertical — 25
    • Stamina — 95 (priority upgrade)

I found this stat spread to be the best when it comes to badges. However, if you aren’t comfortable with only 65 FT, I suggest you take Close Shot back to 25 and increase FT. I wouldn’t sacrifice any of the other stats for it.

Best SG Build Takeovers

  • Lone Ranger/Spotlight/Matador — Matador seems to work best, as you’ll already have enough shooting stats. However, Spotlight and Lone Ranger will help you shoot over people easily.
  • Rolling Deep/Run As One — Every team boost is viable, though Rolling Deep and Run As One seem to align with this build the best.

Best SG Build Badges

    • Relentless Finisher (Gold) — Thanks to the 55 you invested into Close Shot, you’ll be able to get Relentless Finisher at gold. It’s the best layup badge you can have on an SG.
    • Quick Draw (HoF) — Quick Draw is arguably the best shooting badge in RH2. It’s a must for any SG.
    • Range Extender (HoF) — Same as QD, Range Extender is mandatory. It’ll allow you to shoot logo 3s with ease.
    • Fearless Shooter (Gold) — Fearless will even further boost your ability to shoot over people. It should be your 3rd priority perk.
    • Tireless Shooter (Silver) — Since you’ll often be making shots while low on stamina, Tireless Shooter will come in clutch.
    • Dimer (Silver) — Dimer (HoF) is a goated badge for a playmaker. You can also go Dimer (Gold) + Unpluckable (Gold) + Ankle Breaker (Silver).
    • Lob City Passer (Silver) — LCP is one of the best passing perks in RH2. Use it for better alley oops.
    • Unpluckable (Bronze) — Unpluckable and other bronze playmaking badges are low priority. Get them only after you’ve gotten Dimer and LCP.
    • Handless For Days (Bronze) — HFD leaves you with more stamina for drives.
    • Quick Chain (Bronze) — Faster dribbling is always nice.
    • Ankle Breaker (Bronze) — Ankle Breaker activations can really come in handy.
    • Space Creator (Bronze) — Space Creator is my personal preference. At this point, you can choose any badge, and it won’t matter much.
    • Clamps (Gold) — Clamps are really good for 3&D builds.
    • Pick Pocket (Silver) — Pick Pocket is great if you’re facing randoms who try to dribble past you.
    • Bullhorn (Silver) — Bullhorn is good for bumping.
    • Pick Dodger (Bronze) — PD isn’t necessary, but you’ll need to dump badge points somewhere.
    • Tireless Defender (Bronze) — Tireless Defender (Gold) might be better than Clamps. It’s really up to you.

Best SF Build in RH2 The Journey – Slashing Shooter

The thing about the best builds for an SF in RH2 The Journey is that none of them can truly be all-around great. So, what do you do? You make a build that is above average in every aspect of the game, and this Slashing Shooter is just that. You’ll be a menace both on offense and defense, but don’t expect to solo win games the way you can with an SG or a PG. Anyway, here are the build details.

Best SF Build Vitals

  • Height — 6’9″
  • Weight — 190 lbs

Going for maximum height for those shooting and defensive stats is always a good play on a shooting build. Then, you’ll also have to go for minimum weight unless you want to have ~60 speed. You can try playing with these, but I don’t think there is a better vitals combo for SF than this one.

Best SF Build Attribute Point Distribution

    • Close Shot — 25
    • Driving Layup — 80 (priority upgrade)
    • Driving Dunk — 88 (priority upgrade)
    • Standing Dunk — 25
    • Post Control — 25
    • Mid Range Shot — 88 (priority upgrade)
    • Three Point Shot — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Free Throw — 65
    • Pass Accuracy — 60
    • Ball Handle — 25
    • Speed With Ball — 55
    • Interior Defense — 50
    • Perimeter Defense — 95 (priority upgrade)
    • Steal — 67
    • Block — 50
    • Rebound — 25
    • Speed — 75 (priority upgrade)
    • Acceleration — 70 (priority upgrade)
    • Strength — 60 (priority upgrade)
    • Vertical — 72
    • Stamina — 90 (priority upgrade)

Since you’ll be distributing your stats so thin, getting many badges is hard. However, getting all the good ones, specifically Quick Draw, Range Extender, HoF Bullhorn, etc., is manageable. You can also play around with Block, ID, and SWB, though I think this spread is optimal.

Best SF Build Takeovers

  • Lone Ranger/Perimeter Enforcer — Even though I recommend these three, know that all takeovers are viable as this SF build is an all-rounder, and you’ll see benefits no matter which takeover you take.
  • Rolling Deep/Heat Press/Flight Crew — The above applies to team boosts as well. I prefer Rolling Deep to help my SG/PG be even more obnoxious from the 3-point line.

Best SF Build Badges

    • Contact Finisher (Gold) — Contact works best for scoring against other SFs while driving.
    • Lob City Finisher (Silver) — Since alley-oops are kinda broken, having LCF is really handy.
    • Giant Slayer (Silver) — Giant Slayer will help a bit more when dunking against bigs.
    • Relentless Finisher (Bronze) — Relentless is really good, and pushing it to silver might be optimal. Try it out if you want.
    • Quick Draw (Gold) — Quick Draw is OP for shooting and an absolute must on any build with 3-point stats.
    • Fearless Shooter (Gold) — Fearless is your second priority after Quick Draw. It makes scoring while contested much easier.
    • Range Extender (Gold) — Range Extender is also OP, though you can live without it on an SF.
    • Tireless Shooter (Silver) — Tireless is good as you’ll often have to shoot while on low stamina.
    • Slingshot (Bronze) — You’re dumping BP at this point.
    • Catch and Shoot (Bronze) — C&S is good, as you won’t be creating shots for yourself anyway. Also, you can go silver on it and sacrifice something else.
    • Lob City Passer (Bronze) — LCP is the only thing you’ll have available with this stat spread.
    • Bullhorn (HoF) — Bullhorn is one of the best defensive badges in RH2. You can switch around some stats and get 70 strength to make it even better.
    • Clamps (Silver) — Clamps are really good for any two-way build.
    • Pick Pocket (Bronze) — Pick Pocket on Bronze is better than Tireless, in my opinion. You can still replace it with something else you like.

Best PF Build in RH2 The Journey – 2-Way 3-Level Scorer

Depending on your playstyle, there are several PF builds in RH2 The Journey that can be considered the best. However, none of them are as versatile as this 2-Way 3-Level Scorer. With the ability to score from any point in the court and supreme post, there will be very few players stopping you, especially in a mismatch. Plus, you’ll be the one doing the stonewalling with your strong defense. Here is how to make this build.

Best PF Build Vitals

  • Height — 6’11”
  • Weight — 220 lbs

This is one of the few builds where you’ll want to go with max weight, as getting 95 Post Control is otherwise impossible. Also, you can go with 215 lbs and then settle for 92 Post, but it’s a really minor difference. Naturally, max height is always good on a big, so we’re going with that, too.

Best PF Build Attribute Point Distribution

    • Close Shot — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Driving Layup — 70
    • Driving Dunk — 25
    • Standing Dunk — 25
    • Post Control — 95 (priority upgrade)
    • Mid Range Shot — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Three Point Shot — 82 (priority upgrade)
    • Free Throw — 65
    • Pass Accuracy — 70 (priority upgrade)
    • Ball Handle — 25
    • Speed With Ball — 25
    • Interior Defense — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Perimeter Defense — 40
    • Steal — 25
    • Block — 70
    • Rebound — 85
    • Speed — 62 (priority upgrade)
    • Acceleration — 62 (priority upgrade)
    • Strength — 87
    • Vertical — 25
    • Stamina — 82 (priority upgrade)

This stat spread is all about badge points and getting the most important stats as high as possible. Your offense will rely on post and off-ball movement, which is mandatory since you’ll have only 25 SWB. If you do want better driving and to switch from layups to dunks, you’ll have to stat glitch Vertical and sacrifice some rebounding. However, I don’t think that’s worth it for this kind of build.

Best PF Build Takeovers

  • Boundless/Spotlight/Post Bully — Again, most takeovers are viable, though Post Bully and Boundless seem best to me.
  • Rolling Deep/Hivemind — Hivemind is best for increased better playmaking and speed. These are also largely personal preferences.

Best PF Build Badges

    • Deep Hooks (Gold) — I think Deep Hooks are underrated, and people aren’t using them enough. If you get a mismatch, it’s basically a free green, and DH will give you a massive range increase.
    • Relentless Finisher (Gold) — Relentless is overall great for any build that has inside scoring.
    • Deep Fades (HoF) — This build is all about post and catch-and-shoot threes. Deep Fades will help you hit those fadeaway greens that much easier.
    • Quick Draw (Gold) — Quick Draw is simply the most OP shooting badge in RH2 The Journey, and virtually all the best builds have it.
    • Catch and Shoot (Gold) — Since you’ll be a stretch big, C&S is just perfect.
    • Tireless Shooter (Silver) — Tireless is the only other good shooting perk we can dump our remaining points in.
    • Dimer (Silver) — Dimer is a great perk that will benefit all your teammates.
    • Post Playmaker (Silver) — You can go Post Playmaker gold, but I don’t think forgoing Silver Dimer is worth it.
    • Bail Out (Bronze) — We are dumping points where we can at this point.
    • Bulldozer (Gold) — Bulldozer is great for rebounds. You can completely disregard it if you want and get some other two badges to gold, though I think it’s really good.
    • Bullhorn (Silver) — Bullhorn is one of the best defensive badges in RH2. Plus, because we have so high strength, its value is that much higher.
    • Rebound Chaser (Silver) — Rebound Chaser Gold would be preferable. However, Silver is also fine.
    • Intimidator (Silver) — Combined with our high Interior Defense, Intimidator will help us deal with dunk spammers.
    • Brick Wall (Silver) — Oponnent falls when bumping into you during a P&R, their PF switches, and you get a free mismatch.

Best C Build in RH2 The Journey – Paint Beast

You can make a C build similar to the one we made for the PF, but why would you do that when you here have the most dunk potential in the game? Well, that’s what we’re going to try to utilize. Plus, no other aspect of your game except for shooting is going to tank, which is pretty neat. Here is the build.

Best C Build Vitals

  • Height — 7’1″
  • Weight — 230 lbs

Since our priority is inside scoring and defense, we’ll get both max height and max weight. You can try lowering them, but you’ll soon realize that it’s just suboptimal and that you won’t have the necessary ceilings on some attributes.

Best C Build Attribute Point Distribution

    • Close Shot — 85
    • Driving Layup — 78 (priority upgrade)
    • Driving Dunk — 25
    • Standing Dunk — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Post Control — 77
    • Mid Range Shot — 25
    • Three Point Shot — 25
    • Free Throw — 65
    • Pass Accuracy — 70
    • Ball Handle — 25
    • Speed With Ball — 45
    • Interior Defense — 95 (priority upgrade)
    • Perimeter Defense — 25
    • Steal — 25
    • Block — 85 (priority upgrade)
    • Rebound — 92 (priority upgrade)
    • Speed — 51 (priority upgrade)
    • Acceleration — 51 (priority upgrade)
    • Strength — 92 (priority upgrade)
    • Vertical — 74
    • Stamina — 80 (priority upgrade)

If you want, you can completely forgo investing in Free Throws and redistribute those 40 points to make everything else better. However, I think that with how many fouls you’ll be able to draw in REC, it just doesn’t make sense; the same is true for Passing.

Best C Build Takeovers

  • Gladiator — I think Gladiator is a lock, as it gives you all the defensive boosts you need. Still, other takeovers are viable, too.
  • Encircle/Hivemind — Again, team boosts are a personal preference. With this build, you’ll only get three options, of which Fundamentals is the worst.

Best C Build Badges

    • Relentless Finisher (Gold) — Relentless is good because you’ll often be making shots while on low stamina.
    • Pro Touch (Gold) — Pro Touch is arguably the best perk for all inside-scoring builds in RH2 The Journey. It really helps when you’re being contested and can’t hit those greens easily.
    • Lob City Finisher (Gold) — Since this build is all about abusing dunking, LCF is just perfect.
    • Contact Finisher (Silver) — Contact is just great for any inside scorer.
    • Consistent Finisher (Silver) — If you’re playing with no meter, Consistent is going to help you out immensely.
    • You won’t be shooting with this build.
    • Post Playmaker (Gold) — Post Playmaker helps with getting the ball out while double-teamed.
    • Bail Out (Bronze) — Bail Out is always a good BP dump. Also, you won’t have anything else to spend it on other than Lob City Passer.
    • Dimer (Bronze) — You can go Dimer Silver and Post Playmaker Silver if you want.
    • Bulldozer (Gold) — Bulldozer will ensure enemy offensive rebounds stay at zero. However, it works well on Silver as well. So, you can skip it and use the BP for Bullhorn Gold or Brick Wall Gold.
    • Rebound Chaser (Gold) — RC + Bulldozer is godtier. If you want, you can also leave them in silver.
    • Bullhorn (Silver) — Bullhorn will help you get those bumps even quicker.
    • Intimidator (Silver) — Intimidator is a must for protecting the paint.
    • Brick Wall (Silver) — Brick Wall might be unnecessary. Still, it really helps out when your shooters can’t create shot opportunities on their own.

That does it for our list of the best builds in RH2 The Journey. Also, note that these builds are best suited for REC, though their performance in Park is godlike as well. To learn what the best builds or characters are in other video games, including Anime Defenders and FNTD, be sure to bookmark Twinfinite.

About the author

Aleksa Stojković

Aleksa is a full-time League of Legends solo queue grinder and a passionate killer sudoku player. He has also been moonlighting as a staff writer on Twinfinite since late 2023 so he can finance his mobile gacha addiction.

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