
How Many Time Leapers Are There in Tokyo Revengers? Answered (Spoilers)

How many Time Leapers are there in Tokyo Revengers? Here's what we know.

How Many Time Leapers Are There in Tokyo Revengers? Answered Image Source: Liden Films

The longer Tokyo Revengers has gone on, the less special Takemichi’s time leaping ability has seemed. Time and again, characters have shown they have knowledge of time leaping, leading Takemichi and many a reader to suspect that everyone and their mother has the ability to jump from one point in time to another. You’re likely one of said readers, and after so many shocking reveals, you’re likely curious: How many Time Leapers are there in Tokyo Revengers?

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Fortunately, we’ve got a definitive answer for you. Do be warned though: There are *Spoilers Ahead.*

Which Characters Are Time Leapers in Tokyo Revengers? Answered

By the concluding arc of Tokyo Revengers manga, it is revealed that there has only been three definitive Time Leapers in the series: The original Time Leaper, Mikey’s brother Shinichiro, and Takemichi.

This is because the ability to Time Leap has to be passed on directly from one host to another. Shinichiro gained the power from the original Time Leaper when he killed him in a fit of rage, and basically took it by force. Takemichi, meanwhile, gained it from Shinichiro when the latter saved him from some bullies as a child. This passing on was more peaceful, and Shinichiro gave it to Takemichi willingly.

Every other character in the series is not a true Time Leaper. Instead, they simply learned about it via being told about it by a carrier; deduced the power’s existence based on what has occurred throughout the series; or had their memories impacted by the Time Leapers’ shenanigans due to being heavily impacted by the changes made to the timeline.

For example: Haruchiyo remembers the events of the original timeline due to being one of Mikey’s closest friends regardless of the changes Shinichiro made, and being Shinichiro’s trigger for time travel. Kisaki, meanwhile, somewhat figured out that Takemichi was going forward and backward in time to foil all his plans, and realized he would need to take drastic measures to prevent this from happening ever again.

It’s a little convoluted, but this was all in service of setting up the reveal that Shinichiro was a Time Leaper and that he received the power from the original holder of the power. Likewise, it helps to explain what Mikey’s Darkness is via a look back at the consequences of Shinichiro obtaining the power to Time Leap in such a violent way.

Hopefully, this cleared up how many Time Leapers there are in Tokyo Revengers. For more on the series, check out any of the related articles down below. We’ve also got plenty of other anime content for you to peruse, including lists of the best anime antagonists, the best fights in anime, and the best anime senpais.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.

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