
Best Wand in Enshrouded

The wand chooses the wizard.

Player in Enshrouded posing with the Ritual Tempest Wand equipped
Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite

Wands are by far the best and most satisfying weapon to play in Enshrouded. Choosing which one to use is probably the biggest problem you’ll encounter with them. Don’t worry, though. We’ll help you out. Here is everything you need to know about what the best wand in Enshrouded is and how to maximize its potential.

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What Is the Best Wand in Enshrouded?

TLDR: The best wand in Enshrouded is the Ritual Tempest Wand. It’s a full lightning damage wand with all of its upgrade nodes giving a flat damage bonus. So, no mana leech, crit damage, or mana regen shenanigans on it to bring its DPS down.

However, having and using only one Ritual Tempest Wand is suboptimal. Instead, you want to bring at least two wands with you, and potentially even three, all different elements, of course. These will allow you to face any and all threats with full elemental-weakness bonuses.

I currently run only two wands, a fire (Blazing Wand) and a lightning one (Ritual Tempest Wand), and I found it more than enough. Even on level 25, when you start fighting level 30 enemies, they shred through them like cheese, and I can always switch between them if I encounter an enemy with elemental resistance.

All Endgame Wands in Enshrouded Ranked

1. Ritual Tempest Wand

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Unfortunately, I still haven’t found a legendary rarity Ritual Tempest Wand. Yet, the Epic one I have is still miles better than all the other legendaries in my inventory. The raw damage upgrades for this wand each increase its base damage by almost 20%! No amount of crit chance can compete with that.

Moreover, scavengers and other creatures you’ll be facing the most are all weak to lightning damage (I’m yet to find a hard enemy that’s resistant to it). So, all in all, get yourself a Ritual Tempest Wand, and it’ll take you less than five minutes to realize why it’s the best wand in Enshrouded.

2. Blazing Wand

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Most of what I wrote about the Ritual Tempest Wand is true for the Blazing Wand as well, making the race for the best wand in the game very tight. All of its upgrade nodes give only flat damage bonuses, netting you a huge DPS boost.

However, fire damage is mostly the weakness of Fell foes, which are by default weaker than scavengers. Also, it seems to be the wand with the least chance to drop in the game at the moment. So, until those two things change, it’s stuck to being number two.

3. Luminous Wand

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Since we are only including endgame wands on our list, there will be three fire ones, and one of them is the Luminous Wand. It has a 13% Overcharge chance (a minor damage boost), which isn’t that bad, but most of its upgrade options are wasted on defensive stats, making it a straight-up worse version of the Blazing Wand.

4. Scorching Wand

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Every other fire wand in Enshrouded looks like it’s the best when you place it next to the Scorching Wand. It’s plain garbage. The defense stats you get with the Luminous one are now replaced by useless mana leech, which you don’t even need with a wand build. Still, its only redeeming feature, fire damage, places it at number four.

5. Helix

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Helix (or better yet, Baitix) is the most overrated weapon I’ve used in the game. It has all damage bonus upgrade nodes, just like the top two wands, but it deals shroud damage. The only skills that boost it are at the end of the Wizard skill tree, and they cost more skill points than the other ones. And the worst thing is, almost no enemy in the game is weak to shroud damage. So, don’t bother with it.

6. Frozen Core Wand

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Here comes the Scorching Wand’s icy brother. The Frozen Core Wand replaces whatever damage nodes the Scorching one had with, you guessed it, defense stats. Moreover, the same enemies that are weak to fire are, for some reason, also weak to ice. So, unless you are planning to build a tank mage, avoid it like the plague and use a fire/lightning wand instead.

How to Find the Best Wands in Enshrouded

Ritual Tempest, Scorching, Frozen Core, Helix, and Luminous Wand Location

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You can get all of the best wands except the Blazing one (I’ve yet to find it, and I’ve looted this chest hundreds of times) using the golden chest that’s inside the Sun Temple east of the Kindlewastes Ancient Spire. You can see the temple location in the image above.

To farm it efficiently, you’ll need to place a flame altar in close to the room containing the chest. Here is what you’ll have to do first:

  1. Enter the Sun Temple.
  2. Pass the first rooms until you reach a staircase (this staircase is where you’ll place the altar later).
  3. Go down and clear out all of the enemies inside the Sun Temple.
  4. Go back to the staircase.

Now, there should be no problem with placing an altar inside the temple. If there is an indicator that enemies are still nearby, it means you haven’t killed all of them, and you’ll have to go back. See the image below for optimal altar placement (if the image is blurry, remove “?resize=640%2C360” at the end of its link).

Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite

Once you place the altar, upgrade it to level 1 so it protects an 80×80 area. This step is crucial if you want to make the farm as fast as possible (placing it too close to the chest will disable its respawn until you put out the flame).

Afterward, go to the door that’s missing in the previous image and dismantle it (you can do that now because of the altar). Then, go down and do the same with one of the windows of the golden chest room (as in the image below). This will allow you to run straight into the room every time you spawn, as destroyed objects won’t respawn as long as the altar is there.

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Finally, now that you have everything set up:

  1. Go to the room using the fast route we created.
  2. Loot the chest.
  3. Leave the game and go back to the main menu.
  4. Restart your game and repeat until you get everything you need.

Blazing Wand Location

Even though the Blazing Wand is the 2nd best wand in Enshrouded, its drop rate is by far the lowest. The only location I could successfully use to find a rare one is the Deepcut scavenger camp. The image below shows its location on the map.

Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite

You will use a similar setup to the one you have for farming the other five wands. First, you’ll reach the elevated part of the camp where the boss is and clear out all the enemies from the area. You won’t be able to place the altar unless you do that.

Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite

Next, you’ll set up the flame altar so the chest is just outside of its range (as in the image above). This will allow you to run straight to the chest every time you respawn. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that even all this might not help you get a legendary rarity one, considering how low the drop rate is.

Best Wand Skills in Enshrouded

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There are a few skills you absolutely must unlock when rolling with a wand. However, there are a couple that aren’t mandatory but are nevertheless nice to have. I’ve sorted them below based on priority.

Wand Skills You Must Have In Enshrouded

  • Wand Master
  • Sting
  • Wizard

Wand Master and Sting are both on the Battlemage sub-tree and increase your chance of firing two wand projectiles by 30% and repeated wand damage by 20%, respectively. Wizard, on the other hand, increases your magical crit chance by 10%, which is in itself great.

Optional Quality of Life Skills

  • Double Jump
  • Water Aura + Waters of Life

Water Aura + Waters of Life are great sustain tools and remove any need for extra healing. Plus, you’ll have high intelligence anyway, so using them should be a no-brainer.

Double Jump, though, might seem unusual, but its utility is amazing; trust me. More on that later in the tips section.

Best Wand Equipment in Enshrouded

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The only two item slots you need to worry about when it comes to using wands in Enshrouded are arms and head. For the endgame, I recommend the Warlock Gloves + Archmage Hat combo. If you aren’t there yet, use any magic damage/crit-increasing ones, and you’ll be set.

Even though other items are personal preference, I recommend you use anything that boosts stamina, health, stamina regeneration, and stamina timeout reduction. These stats are the only ones you’ll be lacking, and getting them through gear saves you skill points for more intelligence.

Tips for Wands in Enshrouded

Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite

Assuming you haven’t used a wand or any other magical weapon build before, here are two tips you should use to make your Enshrouded grind that much easier:

Bunny Hopping and Attacking With Wands

If you weren’t aware, in Enshrouded, you can attack with wands during your jump animation. To do that, strafe + jump and spam your attack key in the meantime. This cancels the wand attack animation completely, increasing your DPS a bit.

The above, however, isn’t why you want to bunny hop. You bunny hop because of the movement speed boost. It makes a world of difference when it comes to kiting enemies. Also, the Double Jump skill increases air time and maneuverability even further.

It’ll take you a bit to get the timing down, but of all the tips in this guide, bunny hopping is probably the most important one you should take away.

Food and Potions

The final tip of this guide is this: use food and potions when exploring. Currently, I use Roasted Azure Russula (+3 Int for 25 min), Grilled Bird Meat (+3 Con for 30 min), and the Elixir (+30% dmg multi and -1 min shroud time for 30 min).

All of the above resources are abundant in Enshrouded and will help you take your wand build to the next level. For the Azure Russula, you can even use the Farmer to get more of them at any time, so there is no excuse not to run it.

Anyway, that’s all we have regarding the best wand in Enshrouded. For more information-stacked guides just like this one, bookmark Twinfinite. Or, if you want one right now, just scroll down below, and another will magically pop up.

About the author

Aleksa Stojković

Aleksa is a full-time League of Legends solo queue grinder and a passionate killer sudoku player. He has also been moonlighting as a staff writer on Twinfinite since late 2023 so he can finance his mobile gacha addiction.

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