The 2016 Summer Games Seasonal event for Overwatch marked the very first event for the game, releasing a ton of new cosmetic items and a new brawl called Lucioball that was essentially Rocket League mixed with the capabilities of Lucio’s Sonic Amplifier with some tweaks here and there. Well, good news for those of you who might have jumped on the Overwatch train a little later, as the Summer Games event is making a return in 2017 running from Aug. 8 – 29 with tons of new and returning content.
What’s New in Overwatch’s Summer Games 2017? Everything You Need to Know
In terms of cosmetics, both older skins and brand new ones centered around the Summer Games theme will be available for purchase via the in-game currency system and through Summer Games loot-boxes. Back during the 2016 Summer Games, cosmetic items were not available for purchase through the credit system, leaving your chances for grabbing your favorite skin completely up to luck. However this year, all the returning items will be priced the same as normal cosmetic items instead of the usual increased prices that will be applicable to all the new skins, highlight intros, emotes, and more. So, for example, Tracer’s legendary Sprinter skin from last year will be priced at 1000 coins, whereas the new skin for Mercy will be the normal event legendary price of 3000 coins. You can check out all the new skins here, and last year’s Summer Game’s skins here.
Summer Games 2017 Cosmetic Items
- Legendary Skins – 3,000 coins
- Epic Skins – 750 coins
- Rare tier – 225 coins
- Common tier – 75 coins
Summer Games 2016 Cosmetic Items
- Legendary Skins – 1,000 coins
- Epic Skins – 250 coins
- Rare tier – 75 coins
- Common tier – 25 coins
Along with skins, there are also two new highlight intros including one for Pharah pulling off an impressive dunk.
As well as one for Hanzo showing off his archery skills.
Finally, we also have one new emote for Ana, who adorably plays with a beach ball.
In total there are over 40 new cosmetic items to collect along with all the old ones from next year. Additional items will include sprays, victory poses, player icons, and voice lines.
Check out the next page for all the big changes coming to fan-favorite brawl, Lucioball.
LUCIOBALL & Copa Lucioball
What’s New in Overwatch’s Summer Games 2017? Everything You Need to Know
Even though Lucioball is making a return this year, the brawl has some big changes that will definitely mix-up how it plays. Firstly the Rio de Janeiro stadium is coming back, along with a new stadium set in Sydney, Australia being released alongside it as well.
In terms of gameplay, Lucio no longer has the Soundwave ability to boop players away from himself, and his ultimate has changed so instead of having the ball get pulled in towards himself, he now has increased speed, can move the ball much more quickly, and jump higher as well. These changes were introduced due to the “cheesy” strategies of last year when players would hide in the enemy goal, boop the goalie, and simply use their ultimate to draw the ball in towards them for an easy goal. Adjusting Lucio’s Soundwave and ultimate abilities will negate this strategy, and allow skilled Lucio players to shine rather than sneaky strategists.
Another huge inclusion is the new Copa Lucioball mode also available in the Arcade, which like competitive play has 10 placement matches and awards competitive points to the winning team. If you play your 10 placement matches during the event you will get a special spray, and if you are able to climb and become one of the top 500 Lucioball players in your region you will get an additional special Lucioball themed spray.
What’s New in Overwatch’s Summer Games 2017? Everything You Need to Know
A few months ago some loot box changes were implemented that drastically reduced the duplicate item rate drop, and Summer Games 2017 is the first event that will take advantage of this improved system.
The last few seasonal events including Anniversary and Uprising received complaints from players, especially those who spent real money on loot boxes, who were receiving high amounts of duplicate items than seemed fair. Personally, as an active Overwatch player who logs on at least every second day, since the system changes last month I have not had a SINGLE duplicate item, so I’m excited to see these changes come over to the more exciting seasonal loot boxes and their items.
Check out the final page for all the nitty-gritty patch notes coming along with this new Overwatch update.
What’s New in Overwatch’s Summer Games 2017? Everything You Need to Know
Wrapping up the list are the patch notes for the Summer Games update, which are pretty light on game-balancing changes.
Along with the Summer Games update itself, two minor changes for Reinhardt and Sombra were adjusted under the General category, which you can read below.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Reinhardt’s Charge to push characters through walls.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to reach unintended locations on Anubis.
It’s also worth mentioning that the above changes are only currently on the PC version of Overwatch, with PS4 and Xbox One updates likely to come along soon after.
Make sure to stick to Twinfinite more Overwatch news during the latest Summer Games event.
Published: Aug 8, 2017 8:36 PM UTC