
7 Tips to Get Better at The Finals (2023)

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The Finals is one of the most competitive FPS games you will ever play. It will turn you into the sweatiest gamer ever (even against your will), and that’s true for your opponents as well. So, if you want to stay ahead of the evergrowing competition, here are 7 tips you should use to get better at The Finals in 2023.

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Best Tips and Tricks to Get Better at The Finals

  • PLAY FOR CASH! Not for kills.
  • Don’t rush Cashout steals.
  • Exploit destructible environment.
  • Pick a balanced team comp.
  • Use throwable containers and items.
  • Utilize your class’ strengths.
  • Limit test.

The seven lines above are only scratching the surface, and even though The Finals seem easy to get into, the skill ceiling is above the clouds. So, without further ado, let’s break down each of these tips and learn how to incorporate them into our gameplay.

How to Get Better in The Finals

The Finals Is All About Cash

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If you played CS2, Valorant, Apex Legends, or TF2, you know that stopping the plant or creating a good position is more important than the kills you get. The same applies to The Finals. Your priority is getting the most money out of all teams.

That means you shouldn’t give away free cash to your enemies if there is no objective to be taken and to reduce theirs as much as you can. If there is a chance to wipe their squad, go for it. Then again, if you are the last guy alive on yours, hide, and don’t flip it.

So, the key takeaway is this: don’t tunnel on damage, refragging, or getting the last cashout. Instead, focus on not losing money and creating advantageous situations for your team.

Sometimes, you can accomplish that just by staying alive. Whether sometimes, you’ll have to rush in a 1v3 to stop a steal. Either way, stay on your toes and don’t go on autopilot.

Don’t Rush to Steal the Cashout in the Finals

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Rushing the cashout steal is a common mistake people make. Thirsty for a win, they mindlessly rush in over and over again, dying in the process. That’s simply not how this game works.

Every time your team gets wiped this way, you make any comeback that much harder. Instead, wait for another squad to engage and third party once you have an opening. Even if you can’t steal it, killing the enemies for money is always a less risky option.

How to Use The Finals’ Destructible Environment to Your Advantage

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There are hundreds of opportunities in each of your games to exploit the destructible environment. Think of the last time you destroyed the sky bridge on the Seoul map, stopping your pursuers. You probably didn’t even know you could do that.

Almost everything in this game is destructible, and that’s why you should experiment with it. So, whenever there is a chance to blow something up, do it. Even if it turns out to be a massive grief, you will at least learn which things not to destroy.

Team Compositions in The Finals

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There are only three top-tier team compositions in The Finals at the moment. Heavy-Medium-Medium, Heavy-Heavy-Medium, and Heavy-Medium-Light. Every other comp pales in comparison.

HMM provides superb lockdown potential. You can take a mix of mines and explosives, turrets, and heals. This combo will provide you with immense pressure on defense. However, pushing other squads will be difficult since two mediums limit your firepower.

HHM, on the other hand, is objectively the beefiest lineup in the game. Bring launchers on both heavies, an M60 and a shotgun. The medium has to carry utility and focus on healing. All these combined will have you bulldozer other squads.

The only actual counter to the HHM is HML. Since the medium in the HHM is bringing heals and not turrets, the light’s goal is to kill the medium and turn both heavies into defenseless pinatas. This whole tactic relies on enemy heavies being distracted and not protecting the medium, so your coordination needs to be flawless if you want to execute it correctly.

Use Throwable Containers and Items in The Finals

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Did you know you can stick a bunch of C4s on a chair and hurl it inside a building, detonating everything within? Yeah, that’s The Finals 101 right there. Therefore, knowing how to use each throwable item is mandatory to reach high ranks in The Finals.

Throwable items aren’t only the explosive, flammable, toxic, smoke, and goo canisters. You have chairs, fans, trash cans, dead allies, and many more small items you can pick up in the game. Furthermore, you can attach equipment like C4s and turrets to them and use them to transport utility or carry explosives over distances.

Goo cans, incendiary barrels, gas canisters, and their grenade counterparts are indispensable for fortification and defense. On the other hand, glitch grenades, flashbangs, explosive canisters, e.g., are great for contesting the map.

Each Class’ Strengths in The Finals

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Each of the three archetypes in The Finals is played differently and excels at distinct tasks. So, no matter how you build them, you won’t remove their weaknesses or alter their strengths.

The Heavy Class

First, heavy is the most overpowered class in the game right now. It beats any other class in melee, close, and medium range. Add 350 HP, plus the best-in-slot demolition equipment and skills, and you’re left with a stonewalling powerhouse.

You should prioritize unlocking the SA1216 shotgun, the Mesh Shield specialization, and the Dome Shield gadget. You will use those three if you are filling the defensive role, and the Charge, M60, and the Launcher for the offense. And by the way, you can use the Charge mid-air to come crashing down, destroying everything in your path. Pretty cool, right?

The Light Class

Nevertheless, a light player can theoretically beat the heavy. It has stealth, a grapple hook, and a triple dash to choose from. If you learn to utilize its kit successfully, every 1v3 fight will suddenly become winnable.

To make the light class work, get the SH1900 shotgun, the Cloaking Device, and the Vanishing Bomb. This gear will let you perform hit-and-run attacks on the enemy backline. From this, you can figure out that you won’t initially be focusing the heavy, but the enemy mediums and lights. Once you deal with them, heavies will be easy to finish off.

The Medium Class

Lastly, we have the medium class. Unless you are carrying a turret, most of your game will be just healing squadmates. Furthermore, you can also bring a riot shield for extra protection in case the enemy team starts focusing on you.

For the medium builds, buy the Guardian Turret, APS Turret, and the Riot Shield first. Moreover, you can even ignore getting other guns for this class. AKM is good enough, and you will be on support/defense duty anyway, so investing in them is a waste.

You Have to Limit Test to Get Better in the Finals

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This last tip isn’t exclusive to The Finals and will help you improve at everything you do. You can also interpret it as contradictory to something we said before, but don’t disregard it because of that.

The critical difference is that the tips above improve your game, and limit testing is how you invent your own tactics. Limiting testing translates to taking risks whenever possible, for it’s the fastest way to learn how not to do things.

If you do the opposite and play cautiously all the time, the consequences of your actions won’t be as apparent as if you were to throw games all the time. Every game will slowly drift into an unwinnable state, from which you will have no idea how to recover.

Conversely, if you, for example, push the enemy team alone and die in the process, condemning your team to a loss. The fact that you made that mistake will hit you in the face like a sledgehammer and be the best lesson you could ever ask for.

Hopefully, you can now take your game to the next level in The Finals using the abovementioned tips. If you want to learn more about what The Finals has to offer, check out the articles we linked below.

About the author

Aleksa Stojković

Aleksa is a full-time League of Legends solo queue grinder and a passionate killer sudoku player. He has also been moonlighting as a staff writer on Twinfinite since late 2023 so he can finance his mobile gacha addiction.

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