
Luigi’s Mansion 3 Hidden Gem Locations: Where to Find All Hidden Gems

luigi's mansion 3, hidden gem locations, secret gems, collectibles

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is now out in the wild for everyone to play and if you’re someone who loves to collect things in video games, then you’re probably here because you’re on the hunt for all 102 hidden gems that are in the game. Well, we’re to help you out so here’s a full list on where to find all hidden gems in Luigi’s Mansion 3.

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Boilerworks (B2) Gems

  1. This silver gem can be found in the Old Reservoir once you’re on the Toad escort mission. This is the small room with the spinning platform in the middle. You’ll see a corner in the top-right of the room that’s filled with paint buckets. Pick one up and launch it at the wall and a gem ghost will appear. Defeat it to find the silver gem.
  2. Right when you get to the room with the hole and the platform that you can move around, there will be a separate room in the bottom-left corner with a few green pipes in it. Send Gooigi down into the lower section and then turn off the water with Luigi by blowing the valve with the vacuum and then Gooigi will have access to the red gem.
  3. When you get to the small control room with the pot of coffee and the glowing green light, use your dark light on the table at the end of the room and a little machine will pop up. Now, use the strobe light on the green light and the coffee machine will explode, causing this blue gem to pop out.
  4. In sewer C, once the water has been drained, go to the platform in the bottom right corner of the map and have Luigi pull the black ball so that Gooigi can be lifted up to then reach this green gem.
  5. Once the water in the sewer is drained, go back to sewer C and right underneath the lawn chair with the fishing rod, you’ll see a pipe that can be opened up by using the plunger. Have Gooigi go down into the submarine and then pick up the burning log to then throw it in the furnace. This purple gem will then pop out of the pot of boiling food.
  6. This yellow gem is found very close to the room with the elevator. You’ll see a couple of pipes and you might even notice the yellow gem floating up in the rafters. Just go in the middle pipe with Gooigi and then keep walking left to go up an incline towards the gem.

Basement (B1) Gems

  1. Found in the blue car in the bottom floor parking garage, just left of E. Gadd’s little car. You need to use the strobe light on the glowing green circle and the silver gem will be in the trunk.
  2. To get this red gem, go to the garage where E. Gadd is. Go to the left side to the electrical area and have Gooigi slip through the gate. Shoot a plunger at the electric box, pull it, and then shoot light at the green circle to unlock the red gem.
  3. If you head to the far east wall of the parking garage, you will see a metal hatch that can be pulled off of the wall by using the plunger. Go in the room, climb up the ladder and then drop down into the grate with Gooigi to grab this blue hidden gem.
  4. This green gem is in the drying machine on the west side of this floor. Simply shoot a plunger at the machine to pull the gem out.
  5. You can find this purple gem in the hallway just outside the parking garage. There will be a painting of a gem and you just need to hold the X button to use the dark-light on it and the gem will pop out.
  6. To get this yellow gem, you will need the power of Gooigi. Go to the staircase to the East of the elevator and you will see a grate that Gooigi can fall through.

First Floor Gems – Grand Lobby

  1. This silver gem is found on the west side of the first floor. Use the dark light near the blue couch to find a hidden couch and a ghost will pop out. Defeat the ghost to get the gem.
  2. This red hidden gem is found to the left of the elevator. Use your dark light on the picture of the hotel and the gem will pop out from behind it.
  3. This blue gem can be easily spotted on the left side of the Lobby but getting to it is tricky. Go up the stairs to the ledge above the gem and you’ll see a rug on the ground. Push it with air and you’ll see a grate that Gooigi can slip into. Walk through the passageway and jump to knock the gem down.
  4. This green gem is found in a plant by the elevator on the Far East side. Just shoot the plunger on the pot to pull the gem out.
  5. You’ll find this purple gem in the main lobby of the first floor, right behind the reception desk. Just use your strobe light on the green glowing circle and the hidden gem will appear.
  6. In the lobby, you will see two stops on the floor right next to the two gargoyle statues. Have Luigi stand on one of them and then Gooigi on the other and then a chandelier will drop down. Use the vacuum together on the chandelier and the yellow gem will appear.

Second Floor Gems – Mezzanine

  1. This silver gem can be found in the bathroom. Simply suck up the newspaper ghost that is sitting on the toilet to be rewarded with a gem.
  2. In the ballroom on the second floor, just use your vacuum on the chandelier and a room will open up on the left side and the red gem will be on the table.
  3. Go to the kitchen where you fight the chef boss and then head inside the left freezer where you’ll find a block of ice with the blue gem inside of it. Carry it to the stove to melt it. If the stove isn’t on, you can turn it on by pressing X on the right side of it.
  4. This green gem is found in the dressing room and you can get it by sucking up all of the clothes that are hanging up on the left side of the room. You’ll see a safe with a green blinking light –use the strobe to open it up.
  5. This purple gem is found in the billiards/game room on the east side of this floor. Grab the sword from the wall with your vacuum and then shoot it at the dartboard to find a gem.
  6. This yellow gem can be found right before you walk into the kitchen. You will see two fans that can be blown with your vacuum. Use Gooigi to blow one of them and then have Luigi do the other and then the gem will fall from the ceiling.

Third Floor Gems – Hotel Shops

  1. Go to the ledge in front of the gift shop and then do a jump move to open the small gate. Follow the path to a chest that has the silver gem.
  2. This red gem can be found in the Boutique store on the third floor. Shoot your plunger at the manikin on the left side of the store to reveal a secret passageway. In that room, you will find a chest and a secret red gem.
  3. This hidden blue gem can be found in one of the vending machines right in front of the office door with the yellow star on it. Just keep flashing the green circle with your strobe light until the gem pops out.
  4. This hidden green gem is found atop a ledge above the coffee shop. Go in front of the coffee shop, head left and you will see a ladder. Climb up, walk to the end of the path and you will see a chest containing the gem.
  5. This purple gem can be tricky to get but here’s what you gotta do. In the men’s restroom, look in the mirror to see a hidden grate on the ground. Use your Darklight to reveal it and then have Gooigi go down and turn the handle with his vacuum to turn the water off. Now, you will see a metal square on the wall in the restroom that Luigi can grab and then pull with the plunger. Have Gooigi go into the exposed pipe and the gem will be on the toilet.
  6. This yellow gem can be found in the jewelry store. Grab one of those heavy boxes with your plunger and then slam it into the glass case to break it open and obtain the gem.

Fourth Floor Gems – The Great Stage

  1. This gem can be found in the women’s restroom by shining the dark light on the right side of the sink. Examine the revealed faucet and a ghost will pop out. Defeat it to get the silver gem.
  2. This hidden red gem can be found in the dressing room after defeating the piano boss ghost –it’s on the left side of the stage. Use the dark light on the piano in the room and then interact with it and the gem will pop out.
  3. This hidden blue gem is found in the concession stand, which is connected to the men’s restroom. Once you’re in, use your vacuum on the bottles in the middle of the room to open up the safe. You need to either expel or suck in air while moving from the left-most bottle all the way to the right one to play a musical tone.
  4. This green gem can be obtained after getting the super suction ability after going on the Toad escort mission on floor B2. Go back to the machine on the stage where you fought the piano boss and then use your super suction power to destroy the wall to find a television. Flash it and then go inside of it to end up in a different location. Just suck up the popcorn on the ledge and the gem will pop out.
  5. This hidden purple gem can be immediately obtained upon walking into the fourth floor from the elevator. You’ll see a huge tuba in the corner of the lobby that can be blown into by using the ZL button. The trick is that you need to have Luigi blow air into it while Gooigi goes to the side and sucks in the gem after it blows out of the tuba.
  6. This yellow gem can be found right after you defeat the ghost who is waving the long carpet up and down in the hallway. You’ll see a popcorn machine in the west corner that is glowing green. Just keep flashing it with the strobe light to make the gem fly out of the machine.

Fifth Floor Gems – RIP Suites

  1. This silver gem is found in room 508 — on the balcony to be exact. Look through the telescope and a ghost will appear. Suck it up to get the gem from it.
  2. Go to room 501 first. Use your dark light on the area to the right of the big wardrobe to reveal a hidden door. This leads outside and then you have to walk along the side to get to the gargoyle statue that is holding the red gem.
  3. This blue gem can be found in a secret room that is found behind a vending machine near the elevator. Simply shoot the plunger on the top of the machine to pull it down. Go into the room and then use your plunger to pull the metal square to the left of the drying machines and the gem will be found in that little room.
  4. This green gem can be found inside of a statue in the hallway near room 506. Go into the room and then come back out and there should be a ghost nearby. Slam the ghost into the statue to break the gem loose.
  5. This hidden purple gem can be found in room 507 bathroom on the fifth floor. Go in the backroom and then have Gooigi slip through the wall on the right side of the room to grab the gem.
  6. This yellow gem is in the room 502 bathroom. Fill up the tub with water and a yellow box will pop out. Break it with your plunger to find a gem.

Sixth Floor Gems – Castle MacFrights

  1. This silver gem can be found as soon as you defeat the King boss in the coliseum. Go upstairs and if you simply follow the path, the gem will be in plain sight on the ground.
  2. This red hidden gem can be found in the hallway marked as the Hall of Armor on the map. Use your dark light in the top right corner and a suit of armor will appear. Shoot its chest with a plunger and pull to get the gem.
  3. This blue gem can be found in the room with the massive open barrels that you can walk into. One barrel at the right end of the room will have an opening that you can peer into. Go inside the barrel beside it and walk into the barrel that’s standing upright and then walk up the ladder to find the gem.
  4. This green gem can be found in the hallway leading up to the coliseum. Use the dark light on the area between two lit torches and a door will appear. You’ll find the gem in here.
  5. This purple gem is found in the armory. Simply open up the big chest in the middle of the room
  6. This yellow gem can be found after you take the lift down into the room with all of the red ghosts. The gem can only be obtained by walking through the bars with Gooigi. You’ll see it hanging from a black cage.

Seventh Floor Gems – Garden Suites

  1. This silver gem can be found in the Ivy Bathroom (the one with the big watermelon in it). Use the dark light in front of the toilet to find a hidden grate and have Gooigi go down into it. Use the dark light again on the pipe down there to fix the water flow. Now, use Luigi upstairs and blow wind at the tub to turn the faucet to make the water flow. The water will then go down to the bottom and the flower will sprout. Flash it and the gem will pop out.
  2. This hidden red gem can be found in the Blooming Suite room. If you look in the bottom right corner, there is a small nightstand beside the bed. Pull it with your plunger to reveal a grate that Gooigi can go into. Gooigi will pop up on the top of the bed and you just need to use the strobe light on the plant and a gem will pop out.
  3. This blue gem can be found at the tippy-top of the big tree. Head to the left and use your vacuum to bring a big leaf towards you for you to walk on. Follow the path near the windows and you’ll run into this gem along with a couple of coins.
  4. This green gem is found in the Mushroom Suite. Suck up the curtains attached to the bed and walk behind the couch to enter an “underground” area. You’ll see a pipe down there that Gooigi can go into and once he does, he’ll pop up in front of a glowing flower. Use the strobe light on it to find a gem.
  5. This hidden purple gem can be found in the Blooming Bathroom. Have Gooigi fall into the grate in front of the toilet and then you’ll see some pipes at the end of the underground section that he falls into. Don’t go into those first two pipes you see, but instead, suck up those pink flowers on the wall to reveal the third pipe. Go in there to get the gem in the bathtub.
  6. This yellow gem can be found in the elevator hall as soon as you get on the seventh floor. There will be three paintings on the wall. Use your dark light on the third painting from the left to reveal this gem.

Eighth Floor Gems – Paranormal Productions

  1. To find this silver gem, go into the New York-looking sound stage. Go near the bicycle on the right side of the set and then press the triggers together (ZL+ZR) to make a ghost appear. Simply defeat it to find a gem.
  2. This gem can be found in the Studio Entrance. Pick up and throw the plant that is in the bottom left corner of the room and then use your vacuum to blow the carpet to reveal a red gem.
  3. This blue gem is frozen in a piece of ice that you can pick up in the main room where the director is. Simply carry it to the soundstage with the burning building and you’ll be able to melt it.
  4. This green gem can be found in the sound stage with the big spider. Use Gooigi to go into the glass bottle to retrieve this gem.
  5. This hidden purple gem is found in the elevator hall in the first section of the eighth floor. Simply aim your vacuum at the helicopter blades and a gem will appear.
  6. This yellow gem is found in the Studio Entrance room after the long hallway of posters. Pull the film reel to the right of the door and the gem will pop out in the back of the room. Use Gooigi to go through the barricade to grab it.

Ninth Floor Gems – Unnatural History Museum

  1. This silver one is found by the egg statue in the front of the hall. Just break the glass case with a piece of dinosaur that you can pick up off the ground in the main exhibit hall after the T-Rex fight.
  2. This red gem is found in the Elevator Hall by the front desk. Spin the desk chair around with your vacuum to make a gem appear.
  3. This blue gem is also found in the top left corner of the Elevator Hall. On one of the pillars near the bone displays, you’ll see a flashing green light. Use the strobe light on it and a safe will appear. Use your light on it and a gem will pop out as well as some cash.
  4. This green gem can be found right outside of the elevator by throwing a piece of bone at the pterodactyl that’s hanging above.
  5. This purple gem can be found in the bottom left corner, just left of the main front desk. Destroy the glass case and then use the dark light to reveal a gem.
  6. This yellow gem can be found in a glass container by the entrance to the main exhibit room. You can break it open with one of the pieces of bone found where you fight the T-Rex/Caveman boss.

Tenth Floor Gems – Tomb Suites

  1. In the central chamber, go to the statue on the right side near the east exit. Use your plunger on the statue and then a couple of other smaller ones will appear. Keep using your plunger until you find the last one and then a gem ghost will appear. Defeat it to get this silver gem.
  2. This hidden red gem is found in the Sandy Grand Hall, right by the entrance to the room with the big pyramid in it. There’s a gold snake statue in the corner; pull the gold ball with Luigi and then use Gooigi to suck up the gem from the snake’s mouth.
  3. In the Jewel Chamber, you’ll come across a puzzle in which you have to fit in five different shapes into the wall while poison gas is filling the room. Once you complete this, you’ll find a blue cube. Take it back into the previous room and shoot it in the space in the wall. The blue hidden gem will reveal itself afterward.
  4. This green gem can be found in the Scale Chamber. Look for a grate that Gooigi can go through in the south-west corner. Fall through it and then open the chest to find a gem.
  5. This purple gem is found in the big sandy room where the pyramid is. Go walk near the left side of the pyramid and you’ll see a big mound of sand. Suck it up to find a gem.
  6. This yellow can be found in the area where the giant pyramid is. To the right of it, there will a big stone snake underneath some sand. Use the dark light on the missing parts of the snake to reveal a gem in the snake’s mouth.

Eleventh Floor Gems – Twisted Suites

  1. West of the Bladed Bedroom is the Suit Bathroom. Go in here and interact with all of the objects in the room until you find all of the hidden cards. Once you find them all, a silver gem will pop out of the box on the ceiling.
  2. This red gem can be found in the Bladed Bedroom. Use the dark light on the left side of the wall in the Elevator Hall after tearing off the fake wallpaper to gain access to this room. Then, use your vacuum on the circular magic panel to make swords appear. The gem will pop out afterward.
  3. This blue gem is found in the Trainer’s Bedroom and is obtained by breaking one of the pink piggy banks laying about.
  4. This green gem can be found in the Lounge room. Next to the vending machine, you’ll see a spot on the wall that can be pulled off with the plunger. Pull it and then shoot the green light with the strobe bulb. The gem can now be picked up off the wall on the left side of the room but you’ll need Gooigi or Luigi to be standing over there before the time runs out on the counter.
  5. This purple gem is found in the Hall of the Twisted Suites. There’s a statue here of three ghost magicians and there’s also a big purple hat on the ground. Put on the hat and then walk it over to the magician statue without a hat and then jump in the air right in front of it and the hat will pop on the statue.
  6. This yellow gem is found in the Mirror Bathroom. Simply use the dark light on the south end of the room and a gem will appear.

Twelfth Floor Gems – The Spectral Catch

  1. This silver gem can be found in the Grotto Lounge as soon as you walk in. You’ll see a suspicious box with a skull above it and what you need to do is use the dark light on it to reveal a hidden flag and then pull the rope to reveal the gem.
  2. Go to the left side of the beach and shoot the mermaid statue with Toad once you rescue him from the shark on the ship. Defeat the ghost that pops out to get this red gem.
  3. Use the super suction in the Elevator Hall to rip up the blue carpet and then you’ll see a big red X. Jump right on top of it to get the blue gem.
  4. Following the directions to get the fifth gem down below, continue to use the dark light to uncover a second bridge just north of the small island to find a treasure chest with a green gem.
  5. Once you rescue the Yellow Toad from the shark boss, go to the sandy section in front of the ship and head as far right as you can. Use the dark light on the water and you’ll find a secret bridge. Suck up some of the sand on the middle island and you’ll find a purple gem.
  6. Once you have the yellow Toad in tow, go back to the area in front of the elevator and then shoot Toad at the hanging balls in the corner of the room. You’ll find a yellow gem in it.

Thirteenth Floor Gems – Fitness Center

  1. This silver gem is found in the Gym Lobby. Use the dark light on the desk to reveal a bell that you can ring. Hit it a few times, walk away for a few seconds and then you’ll notice a ghost hitting the bell as well. Hit the bell again, following his actions and then he’ll eventually appear. Defeat it to get the gem.
  2. This red gem can be found in the weight room. Have Luigi stand on the scale in the back of the room and then use Gooigi to grab the gem from the other side of the room.
  3. In the locker room, pick up one of the balls and throw it at the sign near the door on the left side of the room to find a silver gem.
  4. In the shower room, drop down into the grate with Gooigi and then turn the lever to lower the water level. Walk into the tunnel on the left side to grab the green gem.
  5. This purple gem can be found in the bike room. Change the radio station to the third channel and then go to the treadmills. Use the dark light on the middle treadmill to find a hidden ghost. Defeat it to find a gem.
  6. This yellow gem can be found in the room with the elevator. Have Gooigi and Luigi stand on the platform in the middle of the room and then use your vacuum to suck up the gem from the case on the right side of the room in the glass case.

Fourteenth Floor Gems – The Dance Hall

  1. Go up to the balcony on the left side of the club and use the dark light at the end of the walkway to find a hidden table. A ghost will pop out so just defeat it to get this silver gem.
  2. You’ll see a turntable on the left and right side balconies. Use Luigi and Gooigi to blow both of them at the same time and then the disco ball will fall down on the stage revealing a red gem.
  3. After beating the DJ boss, you will see two black spots on the stage. Put Luigi and Gooigi on the two spots and then go use the machine that pops up out of the ground. Use the super suction power to suck up the back wall and then go into the room. Use the dark light on the manikin head on the right side of the room and then suck up the wig to find this blue gem.
  4. Go into the coat check room and suck up all of the coats on the left side of the room and this green gem will pop out for you.
  5. Walk down the hallway to the west of the elevator and you’ll see two turntables on the wall. Spin them with the vacuum with Luigi and then use Gooigi to hit the block made of bricks by jumping with the triggers. Hit it five times and the purple gem will appear.
  6. This yellow gem can be found right when you step off the elevator on this floor. You’ll see a panel on the floor with two lights that seem to be shut off. Use Luigi and Gooigi to step on the panels that are unlit and continue to do it until they’re all lit and then a secret staircase will appear. Go down into the bank with Gooigi to find the gem.

Fifteenth Floor Gems – Master Suite

  1. When you’re walking around the hallways of the Master Suite, you’ll run into a cardboard cutout picture of King Boo and a statue sitting right in front of it. You need to blow on the statue so that it makes a shadow of King Boo. Once you get it, the picture will change into a cardboard version of Luigi and you basically need to do the same thing and match the images to win the silver gem.
  2. This red gem is found in the library. You will find a lone book in this room that can be picked up with your vacuum. If you’re having trouble finding it, destroy all of the other books until one remains. Take this brown book upstairs and you’ll see a missing spot on the shelf to the right of the King Boo mural on the wall. Place it there to find a red gem.
  3. In the Master Bathroom, slip into the grate in the shower with Gooigi. Go into the little section to the left in the sewer and you’ll see the blue gem floating there.
  4. In the lounge room, you’ll notice two small tables facing each other near the big white couches. Have Luigi and Gooigi stand on both tables and a green gem will pop out of a mechanism.
  5. In the room with the elevator in it, you’ll see a green pipe that Gooigi can go into on the wall to the left of the couches. You’ll end up above the elevator and then you just need to walk into a little back section to fall down on the purple gem.
  6. In the Master Bedroom, use the teeter-totter to go all the way up to the top of the room and you’ll see the yellow gem behind some bars that Gooigi can go into.

What Happens When You Get All of the Hidden Gems?

Once you collect all 102 secret gems in Luigi’s Mansion 3, you will be rewarded with a different type of plunger attachment for the Suction Shot. This is called Suction Shot Type-C and it’s essentially a crystal plunger. It seems to not have any special effect or use besides just looking cool.

You can get it by going to E. Gadd’s lab after collecting the gems and then going to the Gallery and then hitting Special Items.

And that’s our list on all of the hidden gem locations in Luigi’s Mansion 3. For more on the game, you can read our scored review right here and our expansive Guide Wiki.

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About the author

Greysun Morales

Greysun was formerly the Features Editor at Twinfinite and wrote for the site from 2017 to 2020. He eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen

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