
How to Complete Sozo’s Story in Cult of the Lamb

Give Sozo a chance!

Sozo and Mushroomo Kissing in Cult of the Lamb
Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

Sozo may just be a wacky, mushroom-addicted NPC in Cult of the Lamb, but he still holds a special place in our hearts. Since the Sins of the Flesh update made resurrecting him possible, cult leaders everywhere have been trying to figure out how to complete Sozo’s Story in Cult of the Lamb!

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Cult of the Lamb Sozo’s Story Quest Guide

I know that I can’t be the only one who was a bit heartbroken when Sozo overdosed on Menticide Mushrooms in the Spore Grotto. Like, I know that he was just a funky little mushroom junkie that borderline neglected/terrorized his Mushroomo followers, but like… he still held a special place in my heart.

Thankfully, however, the Sins of the Flesh update has made it possible to bring him back to life! Once he’s been brought back from the dead, Sozo can be recruited as a follower, and even cured of his Menticide Mushroom addiction! It isn’t an easy process, but it’s 100% worth it.

Here’s everything you’ll need to do to complete Sozo’s Story in Cult of the Lamb, from start to finish:

Step 1: Pick the Mushroom Growing Out of Sozo’s Corpse

Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

After Sozo overdoses, his corpse will remain in the Spore Grotto, getting stinkier and sadder by the day. The first step to completing Sozo’s Story in Cult of the Lamb is traveling to the Spore Grotto to visit his decaying body.

If you’ve installed and started the Sins of the Flesh update, then you should see a strange mushroom growing out of his corpse; pick the mushroom and head back to your Cult.

Step 2: Grow the Mushroom in Your Farm and Harvest It

Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

Once you get back to your Cult, plant the Sozo Mushroom in your farm and tend to it like any other crop. After a few days of tending to it and waiting, your homegrown Sozo should be ready to harvest!

Go up to the Mushroom’s farm plot and begin to harvest it; a brand-new, chibi Sozo should emerge from the soil. Chibi Sozo will then begin to tell you about the “crazy dream” he had, where he “had too many mushrooms and was happier than [he] has ever been before”.

From this point forward, Sozo will be a part of your Cult.

Step 3: Accept Sozo’s Quest and “Rescue” Mushroomo from Anura

Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

After running around and being a goofball for a while, Sozo will give ask you to rescue one of his precious Mushroomos from Anura. This will kick off the “Sozo’s Story” storyline; you’ll be able to keep track of this storyline’s quests on the right-hand side of your screen, like any other questline.

After you’ve accepted his quest, go to Anura and locate his missing Mushroomo (they’re always about to be sacrificed by heretics). Once the Mushroomo’s been located, all you need to do is rescue it and indoctrinate it into your Cult. (spoiler alert – don’t get attached to it).

Mushroomo will act as a normal follower for a while; it’ll generate Sin, Devotion, and Loyalty, and will be capable of doing everything else a normal follower would. Until Sozo eats Mushroomo alive.

Sozo’s addiction will eventually get the better of him and he will eat your precious Mushroomo follower; and no, there’s no way to revive it. (You have no idea how bad this caught me off guard. Especially since, a few minutes prior, I had just made them have a baby together in the Mating Tent).

This may seem jarring, but trust me, it’s all part of the process.

Step 4: Accept Sozo’s Second Rescue Quest

Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

After he eats the first Mushroomo, Sozo will come up to you and ask you to rescue another one from Anura, under the pretense that the last Mushroomo had to “leave”. Although it may be against your better judgment, you’ll need to accept the quest.

Just like with the first Mushroomo, you’ll need to go to Anura, find/rescue a Mushroomo, and indoctrinate it into your Cult. And again, just like with the first Mushroomo, Sozo will eventually catch it and eat it whole.

Thankfully, you won’t have to hunt down any more Mushroomos after this.

(Don’t worry, only 2 Mushroomos were harmed in the making of this article.)

Step 5: Refuse Sozo’s Third Quest and Put Him in Jail

Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

After the second Mushroomo has been devoured, Sozo will, yet again, come to you with a rescue quest. This time, however, you have to refuse his quest (It’s hard, I know. Resist the crazed and bloodshot puppy eyes!).

Refusing his quest will cause Sozo to begin Dissenting. Once he starts to Dissent, throw him in jail like the criminal he is!

While he’s locked up in the slammer, you can begin re-educating him right away, but the most important thing to do is keep him locked up in there for at least 5 whole days (or until he’s no longer addicted to mushrooms). This should cure both his Menticide Mushroom addiction and his Dissenting status.

Step 6: Welcome Dr. Sozonius to Your Cult

Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

After his addiction (and his Dissension) has been cured, you can let Sozo out of prison. Upon his release, Sozo will inform you that his real name is Dr. Sozonius, and the last thing he remembers was going to the Spore Grotto to study the Mushroomo creatures years ago.

Releasing Dr. Sozonius from prison and accepting him into your cult will officially complete Sozo’s Story in Cult of the Lamb. From this point on, Sober Sozonius will be an official member of your cult!

He will be Elderly though, so don’t expect too much from him. I’d recommend giving him a Gold Skull necklace to make sure all your hard work wasn’t for nothing!

Step 7 (Optional): Make Dr. Sozonius Young Again

Image Source: Massive Monster via Cult of the Lamb

As previously mentioned, Dr. Sozonius will automatically become Elderly once he’s been cured, but he doesn’t have to stay that way! If you want your sweet Sozonius to be young and hot forever, then all you need to do is make him young again.

First, you’ll need to get a Yolk from an Egg that two of your followers made in the Mating Tent (you have to Crack it). Then, go to your cooking fire and cook up an Egg Meal.

Once the Egg Meal is ready, go over to Dr. Sozonius and command him to eat it. Once he does, he’ll revert back to his younger self! After he becomes young again, he’ll be able to go out on missions, drink alcohol, do odd jobs around the Cult, and do all of the other stuff that young followers get to do.

And that’s it for our deep dive into how to complete Sozo’s Story in Cult of the Lamb! It may not be the easiest or quickest process, but it’s definitely worth the effort. For more informational Cult of the Lamb content, be sure to check out Twinfinite’s “Everything Included in the Sins of the Flesh Update in Cult of the Lamb” and “All Drink Recipes in Cult of the Lamb“!

About the author

Allysen Pierce

Allysen Pierce is a freelance writer with a passion for anime and gaming who has been a part of the Twinfinite team since December 2023. Most of her favorite games fall under the horror genre, but she's also been known to play literally any RPG or dating sim that she can get her hands on. When she's not playing games or watching anime, she can be found reading (usually manga or anything written by Stephen King), baking, or playing with her cat.

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