
Can You Increase Inventory Size in Lethal Company? Answered

What is this, a Bethesda game?!?

Character Looking Down at Item While Inventory Is Full in Lethal Company
Image Credit: Zeekerss via Twinfinite

Given that it’s technically a survival horror game, it’s no surprise Lethal Company doesn’t give you the largest inventory to work with. However, you might be wondering: Is it possible to increase the size of your inventory? And if so, how do you do so? Luckily, we’ve got an answer for you.

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Lethal Company Inventory Size – Can You Get a Bigger Inventory? Answered

We’re sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it isn’t possible to increase the size of your character’s inventory through the base version of the game. No matter what your rank is, your inventory is locked to four slots.

It’s a bit of a bummer, but also understandable given the core design of Lethal Company. You’re tasked with trying to balance the quantity of the scrap you collect to sell with the hazards it poses to you via increased weight and racing against your shift’s clock. Adding more would disrupt this gameplay mechanic, and could even make the otherwise tense and scary minute to minute gameplay trivial.

Will a Bigger Inventory Be Added in Later Versions of Lethal Company?

However, this isn’t to say this will always be the case.

Lethal Company is still in its Early Access period, and is still a long ways off from being considered a “complete” game as a result. Given this, it’s entirely possible developer Zeekerss could make it possible to get a bigger inventory either through the shop or achieving a higher employee rank.

This is just speculation though, and we won’t know for certain if this is to be expected until Zeekerss puts out a statement confirming or denying this direction for the game’s development.

How to Increase Inventory Size With Mods in Lethal Company

Image Source: Twinfinite via Zeekerss

Now, with all of that said, it is possible to increase the inventory size in Lethal Company using mods.

More specifically, you’ll want to use the MikesTweaks mod via Thunderstore. Not only does it increase your maximum inventory size to six slots, but it also improves sprinting, lowers the weight of several items in the game, and introduces some new keybindings that should prove more intuitive.

We’ve laid out how to download it in our article on the best Lethal Company mods you can download right now, so give it a look if you’re in the mood to streamline your experience.

And that’s everything you need to know on the topic of whether or not you can increase your Lethal Company Inventory size. Be sure to check out our other articles down below for even more helpful tips, tricks, and coverage.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.

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