Cyberpunk 2077

Best Stealth Sniper Build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

Be the best sniper Night City has ever seen!

sniper rifle builds
Image Source: CD Projekt Red via Twinfinite

Sniper builds can be absolutely deadly in Cyberpunk 2077, and they’re really fun to play as so long as you build them right. Plus, with the release of Phantom Liberty and the overhauled Update 2.0, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of all the great new content geared for snipers. This is everything you need to know about how to create the best stealth sniper build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0.

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Best Gear for Stealth Sniper Build in Cyberpunk 2.0

Cyberpunk 2077 has a plethora of ways to build your character any way you want. Though it is possible to cross over between specialties and be good at nearly everything, hyper-specializing in one area will yield the most deadly results and grant the best abilities.

In this build guide, we will cover attribute stat distribution, basic perks, Relic perks, best primary weapons, best secondary weapons, and the best Cyberware for a stealth sniper build.

Best Sniper Rifles and Handguns for a Stealth Sniper Build

The bread and butter of any sniper build is the sniper rifle itself. While there is no be-all-end-all sniper rifle in Cyberpunk 2077, there are some that do the job slightly better than others. The best sniper rifles are usually the ones with the Iconic status, but there are some outliers.

Below are a couple particular standouts:

Overwatch Power Sniper

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This iconic sniper rifle has 50% armor penetration and a 300% headshot damage multiplier. It also has increased reload speed and comes with a custom silencer. It’s perfect for posting up from a distance and picking off enemies one by one, dropping them with carefully placed shots that make nary a sound.

You can get this Iconic weapon by doing Panam’s questline with the Aldacados.

SPT32 Grad Power Sniper

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I love this one, and it’s not even Iconic! The SPT32 Grad is great for raw power, as the Tier 5++ SPT32 Grad has 307 damage output and three mod slots. Like the Overwatch, this one’s also got 300% headshot damage multiplier and 50% armor penetration, though it will kick up quite a racket without a silencer attached.

You can get this deadly rifle from most vendors around Night City, and lower tiers of the rifle can be upgraded using crafting components.

Her Majesty

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Pistols and Revolvers are useful secondary weapons, and I heavily recommend a certain pistol obtained in Phantom Liberty called “Her Majesty”. This baby comes with a unique silencer and has guaranteed headshot crits while optical camo is active.

It really is the best precision pistol I’ve encountered in the game. It’s great for quick silencer headshots from afar or from cloaked stealth in the midst of battle, and it doesn’t receive any debuffs for shooting enemies after you’ve been detected.


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Another great pistol worth getting is Yorinobu Arasaka’s Kongou pistol. Thankfully, this pistol is obtainable without the Phantom Liberty expansion. You can get this iconic weapon during The Heist mission very early on in the game, and the game makes it very hard to proceed without grabbing it. I still use this beauty late in the game due to its incredibly effective range and reload speed.

The damage isn’t the best, but it’s still above the middle of the pack in terms of silencer pistols. Also, the reduced recoil and ricochet bullet spread is an added plus that you get without the need for additional Cyberware.


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The Rosco Iconic Revolver comes highly recommended because of the 50% crit damage multiplier. What really makes the Rosco special, though, is that shooting the legs and then the head — in that order — will instantly kill enemies. It’s really a perfect one-two punch as far as weapons go, and it’s very light besides.

You can obtain this revolver after the Phantom Liberty gig “Waiting for Dodger” by looting Dodger’s corpse.


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Crash is River Ward’s iconic revolver, and it’s well worth your time to obtain it by completing River’s questline.

Crash is a deadly tech revolver with a whopping 200% headshot damage multiplier. What’s more is it doubles as an automatic weapon when you charge while aiming. This makes it a great weapon to have by your side when things get dicey on your sniper perch. You’ll have the close-range advantage without even investing in Body perks for automatic weaponry.

Best Cyberware for a Stealth Sniper Build

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Cyberware will help supplement your sniper build with headshot multipliers and reduced recoil. It’s a good idea to get Cyberware with the “Cool Attuned” label because that means it will scale to your all-important Cool level.

Here’s the best Cyberware for a stealth sniper build:

  • Kiroshi Optics with trajectory analysis mod and weak spot detection mod: +0.2% headshot and weakspot damage per Cool Attribute Point. +2.4% headshot damage multiplier. +2.4 Health.
  • Shock Absorber (Hands): -14% recoil. +0.2% headshot and weakspot damage per Cool Attribute Point. +2.4% health. +1.9% Melee Damage Resistance.
  • Lynx Paws (Legs): +50% quieter movement. +8% crouched movement speed. +0.2% headshot and weakspot damage per Cool Attribute Point. +4.8% Bonus Stealth Damage.

Best Clothing for Stealth Sniper Build

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While most clothing in Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t actually enhance stats thanks to Update 2.0, eyepieces grant bonuses to zoom and aiming. We recommend you grab the Kang Tao Manganese Combat Ocuset because of its high rate of weapon zoom at +0.15 and availability at the West Wind Estate clothing vendor.

In addition to this particular ocuset are the Trilayer Steel Ocuset, Old Ocuset, and Composite Ocuset. All of these grant lower than 0.15 zoom, but are really the best alternative for the more expensive Kang Tao one. All of these ocusets are available at the same West Wind Estate store in Pacifica.

Best Attribute Point Distribution for Stealth Sniper Build

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Every stealth sniper build needs to focus on the Cool attribute first and foremost. Cool affects stealth and weaponry such as handguns, sniper rifles, and revolvers. After that, Technical Ability and Reflexes are the next Attributes our sniper build needs to focus on. Tech Ability helps with healing, grenades, and Cyberware, while Reflex grants better mobility.

Basically, you’ll want to spend points on stuff that helps you use long-range weapons and stay out of sight. Body and Intelligence are generally the least necessary attributes for a sniper build.

Below is a general guideline of how to distribute starting stats. Note that the first set of Rookie perks unlocks at 4 attribute points, followed by the Pro perks unlocking at 9, Phenom at 15, and Legend at 20.

Starting Stats

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While your Starting stats aren’t too vital in the long run, it’s best to bump either Reflexes or Cool up to 6 in order to get your build going more quickly. After that, you can boost Technical Ability to 4 to get it moving toward its Perk Unlock level requirements.

  • Body: 3
  • Reflexes: 6
  • Technical Ability: 4
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Cool: 6

Mid-Game Stats

As you approach level 35, you’ll want to build toward the attribute spread listed below. Getting Reflexes and Tech Ability to 15 is crucial because you’ll unlock the super useful Phenom tier Perks.

  • Body: 3
  • Reflexes: 15
  • Technical Ability: 15
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Cool: 20

Endgame Stats

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Finally, at max level, you should ideally get Cool, Tech Ability, and Reflexes to level 20 to make full use of their specialized stealth and sniping Perks. Then, use the remaining points to get Body and Intelligence to level 9 so that you can unlock their pro tier Perks. Where you distribute the last three points is largely up to the individual since you cannot unlock any more tiers from then on, but we recommend dumping the rest into Body to get the extra +6 max health from the three attribute points.

Body: 12
Reflexes: 20
Technical Ability: 20
Intelligence: 9
Cool: 20

Best Perks for a Stealth Sniper Build

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Next up are Perks. Since the sniper rifle will be your weapon of choice, the Cool tree is where most of your Perk points will be spent. Only eight perks are available at the beginning due to each tier being locked behind a requisite attribute level.

The goal is to get Cool to level 20 as soon as possible in order to unlock the Phenom and Legend tier Perks. These abilities grant amazing critical hit bonuses for headshots and long-range shots, which make most enemies easy to one-shot.


Image Source: CD Projekt Red via Twinfinite

First up are the Rookie tier Perks in the Cool attribute, all of which are stealth-focused. These are the easiest to unlock.

  • Feline Footwork (Rookie lvl 4): When crouched, +15% Movement Speed, +15% Mitigation Chance. Mitigation grants a chance to reduce incoming damage by current Mitigation Strength (default 50%.)
  • Small Target (Rookie lvl 4): +20% Mitigation Chance when crouched and not moving.
  • Blind Spot (Rookie lvl 4): When crouched, the higher your Mitigation Chance, the longer it takes for enemies to detect you.
  • Unexposed (Rookie lvl 4): +20% Mitigation Chance when aiming from cover.

Once you unlock Pro Perks at level 9, you have access to these crucial sniper-specific abilities. This is the true bread and butter for the stealth sniper build.

  • Focus (Pro lvl 9): Unlocks Focus mode. This mode automatically activates when you aim while at full Stamina. While active, there is no Stamina cost for shooting, allowing for more accurate shots. When it ends: −40 Stamina. Duration: 2.5 sec.
  • Rinse And Reload (Pro lvl 9): +10% Reload speed for your next reload after neutralizing an enemy while aiming. Stacks 2 times. The stack resets to 0 whenever you start aiming.
  • No Sweat (Pro lvl 9): −50% Stamina cost from Focus for each enemy neutralized while it was active.
  • Pull! (Pro lvl 9): When Focus is active, shooting grenades out of the air is easier, and the blast is more powerful.
  • Head To Head (Pro lvl 9): While Focus is active, neutralizing an enemy with a ranged attack resets its duration.
  • Deep Breath (Pro lvl 9): Time slows by 25% for you and enemies when Focus is active.

Next are the Phenom Perks unlocking at Cool level 15.

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  • Deadeye (Phenom lvl 15): unlocks the Deadeye mode, which is active above 85% Stamina. Its effects are the following: +10% headshot and weak spot damage. −25% Stamina cost for shooting.
  • High Noon (Phenom lvl 15): When Deadeye is active, +35% reload speed for your next reload after neutralizing an enemy via headshot or weak spot. Effect available for 3 sec. Slows time by 50% during reload.
  • California Reaper (Phenom lvl 15): +30% Stamina after neutralizing an enemy via headshot or weak spot.
  • Long Shot (Phenom lvl 15): When Deadeye is active, your shots always deal full damage regardless of distance.
  • Quick Draw (Phenom lvl 15): +30% weapon swap speed when swapping to pistols, revolvers, precision rifles, and sniper rifles, +30% Stamina when swapping during combat.
  • Run ‘N’ Gun (Phenom lvl 15): Hip-firing does not consume Stamina. When Focus is active, +25% Movement Speed.

You unlock enhanced crouching capabilities at the Phenom tier within the Cool tree, so get these stealthy perks.

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  • Ninjutsu (Phenom lvl 15): Crouch-sprinting allows you to move more quickly while staying silent but consumes Stamina.+15% Movement Speed. +15% Mitigation Chance when crouched.
  • Creeping Death (Phenom lvl 15): When Optical Camo is active, you are undetected. Neutralizing an enemy grants +15% Health, +15% Stamina, and +10% Movement Speed for 6 sec.
  • Shinobi Sprint (Phenom lvl 15): −75% Stamina cost for crouch-sprinting during combat.
  • Serpentine (Phenom lvl 15): +30% Mitigation Chance when crouch-sprinting.

Once you reach level 20 in Cool, you’ll unlock the Legend Perks. You’ll definitely want to invest in this ultimate sniper perk!

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  • Nerves Of Tungsten-Steel (Legend lvl 20): When Deadeye is active: guaranteed critical hits for headshots and weak spots, increased damage as distance increases (max +25%).

Technical Ability

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Technical Ability perks are the next best to focus on. These perks grant health bonuses and cyberware improvements as well as tech weapon enhancements for your tech sniper rifles. It’s good to invest some perk points into the starting Tech perks while you’re still in the process of leveling up Cool to 20. Glutton of War should be an early perk you get in your sniper build journey.

  • Glutton for War (Rookie lvl 4): 5% instant recharge of Health items and grenades after killing an enemy.
  • First Aid (Rookie lvl 4): +15% recharge speed for Health items when you’ve only used one charge.
  • Transfusion (Rookie lvl 4): +30% Health from the final charge of your equipped Health item.
  • Health Freak (Pro lvl 9):+150% recharge speed for Health items outside of combat.
  • Borrowed Time (Pro lvl 9): 100% instant recharge of a Health item after killing an enemy if you’re below 20% Health and have no charges remaining.
  • Field Medic (Pro lvl 9): +15% faster use of Health items in combat.

You’ll probably want some Cyberware Perks to reduce recoil and increase accuracy via hand Cyberware, though these ones unlock at a high level 15 for the Technical Ability tree.

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  • License to Chrome (Phenom lvl 15): +10% to all cyberware stat modifiers. +40% Armor.
  • Ambidextrous (Phenom lvl 15): Unlocks a new cyberware slot for your Hands.


Lastly, it’s good to focus on a couple of Reflex Perks. Reflex is great for versatility, especially if you plan to run around and be a more mobile sniper. The great thing about these sniper-friendly Reflex Perks is they’re all newbie-friendly and only require your Reflex to be level 4. Though these are largely optional for making the best stealth sniper build, they do help your sniping mobility.

Image Source: CD Projekt Red via Twinfinite
  • Slippery (Rookie lvl 4): The faster you move, the more difficult it is for enemies to shoot you.
  • Muscle Memory (Rookie lvl 4): Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting.
  • Multitasker (Rookie lvl 4): Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting.
  • Power Slide (Rookie lvl 4: Increased slide distance.
  • Parkour! (Rookie lvl 4): Increased vaulting and climbing speed.

How you spend the remainder of your Perk points depends on playstyle, but you should be absolutely set with the above ones in your arsenal. Air Dash in the Reflex Perk tree, and added Cybernetic Armor Perks in the Technical Ability tree are recommended if you have all the above bases covered. Though again, not necessary!

Bolstering the core sniper build with a secondary weapon in case things get really dicey is smart as well. We recommend revolvers for close-range since it’s already in the Cool attribute. SMGs are a decent option too since it’s already within the Reflexes attribute that you’ll have access to. Hacking is a versatile option that I personally love, though it requires you to put additional points into the Intelligence attribute, which we haven’t necessarily needed for a pure stealth sniper build.

Best Relic Perks for a Stealth Sniper Build

Relic Perks are exclusive to the Phantom Liberty expansion and contain two amazing sniper-specific perks worth getting. It’s fine to completely ignore the Jailbreak perk tree since that focuses on close proximity enhancements to cybernetic arms.

Here are the best Relic Perks for a stealth sniper build.

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  • Vulnerability Analytics (3 Relic Points) – During Combat, you can now detect Vulnerabilities in enemy armor and cyberware. Hitting Vulnerabilities gives 100% Crit Chance, +25% Armor Penetration, and Weakspot Damage Bonuses. Dealing enough damage to a Vulnerability will cause it to explode, generating an EMP blast that damages enemies within three meters.
  • Machine Learning (1 Relic Point) – Destroying an enemy’s Vulnerability grants: + 10% frequency of new Vulnerabilities appearing, +5% Crit Damage against Vulnerabilities. Duration 25 sec. Effect and duration can stack five times. Reaching max stacks doubles these effects.
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  • Emergency Cloaking (3 Relic Points) – Improves Optical Camo Cyberware. Activating Optical Camo during combat by pressing R1 will cause enemies to lose track of you, giving you a chance to exit combat.
  • Sensory Protocol (1 Relic Point) – When crouched, becoming detected by an enemy will temporarily slow time. Dodge or Dash out of the enemy’s line of sight to immediately exit combat. Cooldown: 120 sec.

I can’t say enough great things about how game-changing Vulnerability Analytics is for sniper builds. This Relic Perk provides an all-new weak spot detection ability when aiming down the sights. Certain limbs will highlight as you aim your weapon.

Image Source: CD Projekt Red via Twinfinite

Managing to hit the weak spots grants 100% Crit Chance, +25% Armor Penetration, and Weakspot Damage Bonuses. Dealing enough damage to weak spots also causes an EMP explosion within 3 meters. Vulnerability Analytics is an amazing boon to any sniper build, and I can’t recommend it enough!

That’s our guide on how to make the best stealth sniper build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0. While there are many more weapons, Perks, and Cyberware that are viable, these are some guidelines that will make you the best sniper possible. Disagree with our favorite snipers and Cyberware? Let us know in the comments below! Likewise, be sure to check out our other Cyberpunk 2077 build guides and quest walkthroughs down below.

About the author

Matthew Carmosino

Matthew Carmosino is a freelance writer for Twinfinite. He started gaming in the mid-90s where his love for SquareSoft RPGs like Chrono Trigger changed him forever. Matthew has been working in the game industry for two years covering everything from story-rich RPGs to puzzle-platformers. Listening to piano music on a rainy day is his idea of a really good time, which probably explains his unnatural tolerance for level-grinding.

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