
All Skills Available in Atomic Heart

The skills to pay the bills.

All Skills Available in Atomic Heart Image Source: Focus Entertainment

When it comes to surviving the robot onslaught, having some essential survival skills is certainly going to help. And that is exactly what players must embrace in Atomic Heart, if you hope to turn the tide against these murderous machines. For anyone hoping to know just what all the skills available in Atomic Heart are, this is the guide for you.

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Combat Skills in Atomic Heart

Probably the skills that will matter most to players, in Atomic Heart, you will gain access to several useful skills that can transform how you fight your robotic and organic enemies. These come in the form of elemental enhancements or telekinetic powers, so choose your favorites and let it rip.


Image Source: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

A great skill to have, considering that you will be facing many foes of mechanical nature, Shok lets your glove produce an electromagnetic discharge that targets enemies and deals electric damage. First given as a utility skill to navigate the world, these are the upgrades that can be obtained for the skill using Neuropolymer:

  • Electrization – Shok electrifies enemies (32 Neuroploymer)
  • Power Amplifier – Shok deals more damage and pushes back enemies (40 Neuroploymer)
  • Resistor Malfunction – Electrified targets receive increased damage (61 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-Polymer Accelerator – Reduces Shok cooldown (75 Neuroploymer)
  • Powerful Electrization – Repeated attacks apply an additional Electrified effect and breaks low-HP Polymerized enemies into pieces (87 Neuroploymer)
  • Amplified Modulator – An upgrade to the electromagnetic unit that increases its effective range (26 Neuroploymer)
  • Chain Lightning – Part of the discharge bounces and deals damage to an additional target (69 Neuroploymer)
  • Extended Topology – Chain Lightning can hit one additional target (75 Neuroploymer)
  • Full Contact – Secondary targets hit by Chain Lightning receive full damage (95 Neuroploymer)


Image Source: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

For those hoping to catch a breather and keep enemies in place, Frostbite is an essential skill to help you achieve that very aim. This works best against organic enemies before smashing them into bits and pieces.

  • Cryo Jet – Allows the use of cryopolymer to freeze enemies and keep them from moving (12 Neuroploymer)
  • High Pressure – Upgrade the Cryo Jet’s pressure chamber, increasing its maximum range (11 Neuroploymer)
  • Drastic Measure – When the glove’s reserves are depleted, it produces cryopolymer from your bloodstream instead, enabling you to use the Cryo Jet at the cost of your Health (35 Neuroploymer)
  • Forced Defrost – Frozen targets receive additional damage when the freeze effect ends (34 Neuroploymer)
  • Careful Disassembly – Receive increased loot when you defeat a frozen enemy (66 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-Polymer Accelerator – Reduces the cooldown of the polymer jet (70 Neuroploymer)
  • Increased Polymer Generation – Increased glove output allows the Cryo Jet to fire for longer (101 Neuroploymer)
  • Fire Extinguisher – The Cryo Jet’s spray neutralizes incoming fire damage (22 Neuroploymer)
  • Intensive Spraying – Speeds up the cryopolymer discharge to freeze enemies more quickly (48 Neuroploymer)
  • Diffuse Spray Head – Allows you to spray cryopolymer in a cone-shaped area (48 Neuroploymer)
  • Cryo Sleep – Improves the durability of the cryopolymer, increasing the freeze duration (88 Neuroploymer)
  • Absolute Zero – Cryogenic freezing at extreme temperatures deals damage to frozen targets every second (104 Neuroploymer)

Mass Telekinesis

Image Source: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Allows players to exert control over groups of enemies and lift them up for more punishment. If you want crowd control on a larger scale, this is what you will need to prioritize.

  • Mass Telekinesis – Grip all enemies in the area of effect and lift them up into the air for a short period. If the effect is interrupted or ends, the targets will fall to the ground (66 Neuroploymer)
  • Forced Fall Acceleration – The neurokinetic unit can now accelerate dropped enemies, causing them to take damage when they fall (70 Neuroploymer)
  • Amplified Modulator – An upgrade to the telekinesis unit that increases Mass Telekinesis’ area of effect (79 Neuroploymer)
  • Barotrauma – Increases the per-second damage of Mass Telekinesis (93 Neuroploymer)
  • Drastic Measure – When the glove’s reserves are depleted, the Telekinesis Unit consumes ATP from your bloodstream , enabling you to use the ability at the cost of your Health (144 Neuroploymer)
  • Increased Impact – Increases the duration for which enemies are held in the air (210 Neuroploymer)
  • Increased Power – Significantly increases the power of the Mass Telekinesis neurokinetic unit, allowing you to lift heavyweight enemies (144 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-Polymer Accelerator – Reduces the cooldown of Mass Telekinesis (175 Neuroploymer)
  • Energy Vampire – Drains energy from enemies gripped by Mass Telekinesis to restore the recirculation chamber’s power. Requires one Power Cell to activate (226 Neuroploymer)

Polymeric Jet

Need more ways to enhance your elemental output in Atomic Heart? Enter the Polymeric Jet, which makes it easier for fire, electricity and ice to work their magic on your foes.

  • Polymeric Jet – Your glove can now spray targets and surfaces with a jet of combat polymer. Once applied, combat polymer can be set on fire, electrified, or frozen, dealing damage of the corresponding type to the affected enemies (20 Neuroploymer)
  • High Pressure – Upgrades the Polymeric Jet’s pressure chamber, increasing its maximum range (23 Neuroploymer)
  • Environmental Resistance – Successive Neuro-Polymer Unit upgrades improve applied Combat Polymer’s durability, increasing the effect’s duration (52 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-Polymer Air Defense – Increases the viscosity of the combat polymer so it can slow down rotors to down airborne enemies (85 Neuroploymer)
  • Increased Polymer Generation – Increased glove output allows Polymeric Jet to fire for longer (69 Neuroploymer)
  • Increased Chemical Reactivity Distance – Applied to a target, Combat Polymer affects nearby enemies (39 Neuroploymer)
  • Mixture Efficacy – Improves the combat polymer to make its chemical reactions, such as electrification and fire, more deadly (46 Neuroploymer)
  • High Viscosity – Increases the combat polymer’s viscosity, allowing it to slow down targets (63 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-Polymer Accelerator – Reduces the cooldown of the polymer jet (69 Neuroploymer)

Polymeric Shield

Staying alive can be hard in a world full of killer robots and other monstrosities, but learning this skill will help you stave off danger for just a little while longer.

  • Polymeric Shield – Your glove can surround you with a neuropolymer shield that protects you from melee and ranged damage and redirects part of the neutralized projectiles’ energy into the recirculation chamber’s power reserves. Does not protect against Critical Attacks (28 Neuroploymer)
  • Overload and Destabilize – Deploying Polymeric Shield at full capacity and then retracting it causes an explosion that sprays enemies with combat polymer. Skill has a cooldown (43 Neuroploymer)
  • Absorption Coefficient – Increases the recirculation chamber’s refill rate (46 Neuroploymer)
  • Sponge Effect – Melee attacked recharge your energy meter (82 Neuroploymer)
  • Kinetic Reflector – While active, Polymeric Shield doubles incoming melee damage and reflects it back to the enemy (98 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-Polymer Accelerator – Reduces the cooldown of Polymeric Shield (96 Neuroploymer)
  • Kinetic Reflector Upgrade – Increases the reflected damage and block even Critical Attacks (145 Neuroploymer)
  • Reflective Surface – Additional ionization allows Polymeric Shield to reflect laser attacks back to the enemy (82 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-Polymer Reflector – Polymeric Shield reflects all ranged attacks back to the enemy (96 Neuroploymer)
  • Increased Polymer Generation – Increased glove output makes Polymeric Shield lasts longer (106 Neuroploymer)
  • Med Unit Feedback – Polymeric Shield redirects part of the incoming damage to the med unit, restoring your health (124 Neuroploymer)

Character Skills in Atomic Heart

Passive skills in Atomic Heart can play a big part as well, ensuring that you are always one step ahead of your enemies while making your life easier in all ways.

Passive Character Bonuses

  • Nora’s Kiss – For a limited time, you can survive lethal damage with 1 HP. The skill has a cooldown, and is obtained as part of the story.
  • Extra Capacity Cluster Munitions – Cluster munitions get increased capacity (27 Neuroploymer)
  • Neuro-compression Tactical Backpack – Increases your backpack’s capacity through compression rate upgrades (75 Neuroploymer)
  • Wild Boar – Increases your maximum health (37 Neuroploymer)
  • Morning Exercise – Every major worth their salt must be able to run a marathon. Increases your running speed (80 Neuropolymer)
  • Photon Sink – Increases your suit’s laser resistance (27 Neuropolymer)
  • Avatar – Gain immunity to elemental damage (45 Neuropolymer)
  • Bulwark – Increases resistance to physical damage (78 Neuropolymer)
  • Med Unit Upgrade – Your suit’s built-in Med Unit restores more health (57 Neuropolymer)
  • Musclehead – Increases your maximum health (110 Neuropolymer)
  • Juggler – You can use a Neuromed capsule with one hand (87 Neuropolymer)
  • Athlete – Increase your maximum health (165 Neuropolymer)
  • Second Wind – Your excellent physical ability grants you an additional dodge charge (38 Neuropolymer)
  • Sleazeball – Shields you from all damage while dodging (62 Neuropolymer)
  • Cell Division – Using medical supplies allows you to fully regenerate Health in a matter of seconds (242 Neuropolymer)
  • Parkour – You are trained to tuck and roll when falling to avoid damage (43 Neuropolymer)
  • Full House – Allows you to swap weapons 100% more quickly (67 Neuropolymer)
  • Your excellent marksmanship skills increase the accuracy of your unaimed shooting (119 Neuropolymer)

Energy Management

Need more energy to use those experimental weapons and save on ammo? This is the skill branch for you.

  • Energy Density – Adds another Power Cell to the recirculation chamber (34, 104 Neuropolymer)
  • ATP Recycling – Lost Health is recycled into energy (82 Neuropolymer)
  • Greedy Guts – Melee attacks restore more energy into the recirculation chamber (146 Neuropolymer)
  • Thrift – Your ranged attacks consume less recirculation chamber’s power (184 Neuropolymer)
  • Energy Containment – Increases energy regeneration rate (239 Neuropolymer)

Now that you are all caught up in all the skills available in Atomic Heart, you will have an easier time planning ahead for the perfect build. For more help on the game, be sure to check out the related content below, or search Twinfinite for more.

About the author

Jake Su

Jake is a full-time trophy hunter and achievement gatherer on consoles, and a part-time Steam Sale victim. He has a thing for Batman and awesome statues, and running out of space for both. Send help. Jake was a freelance writer for Twinfinite between 2021 to 2023 and specialized in writing detailed guides on every new release he could get his hands on.

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