
DBZ: Kakarot vs One Piece: World Seeker – Which Is the Better Anime Game?

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot vs. One Piece: World Seeker: Which is Better?

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot may have its issues, but it’s still making waves for its stellar presentation of the Dragon Ball universe in an open world setting. It isn’t the first time this has been said of a game based on a famous anime property though, which is why we’re here to answer the question: Which is better, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, or One Piece: World Seeker?

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When it comes to graphical fidelity, both Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and One Piece: World Seeker are head and shoulders above other anime video game adaptations.

Each sees their respective characters and settings portrayed in stunning HD, with a cel-shaded aesthetic that brings their characters to life. Every goofy expression by Luffy and his crew mates, and every pained grimmace or scowl Goku and the Z Fighters shoot to villains during their fights, are a sight to behold.

And that’s to say nothing of the environments. Both Kakarot and World Seeker present players with stunningly detailed worlds, full of roaring waterfalls, wind sweeping across grassy plains and rocky crags hiding secrets and treasures. Players can spend hours lost in the environments, exploring and adventuring to their heart’s content.

And yet, in terms of aesthetic, Kakarot edges out World Seeker for one simple reason: It doesn’t take its graphical prowess too far. It finds a nice balance between stunning visuals and maintaining the feel of a Dragon Ball game, and manages to keep you feeling like you’re in the world from the series.

World Seeker, meanwhile, has environments that can feel a bit too realistic for the bouncy, zany antics of Luffy and his friends, and as a result can create a disconnect that keeps you just out of that perfect immersion sweet-spot.

Winner: Dragon Ball Z Kakarot


On the story-front however, One Piece: World Seeker handily beats Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot for one simple reason: It tells an original story, and it does it well.

While there are a handful of character cameos from across the series’ history and it follows the same framework as a One Piece film, World Seeker crafts an engaging tale of an island held under the thumb of a bitter despot out to destroy everything and everyone in his way; and, upon Luffy and crew’s arrival, his desperate bid to crush them before they ruin his plans.

Tragic backstories are revealed, tears are shed and bombastic battles ensue, all while fans are glued to their screens and eager to find out what happens next because they can only get this specific story from the game.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, meanwhile, doesn’t offer a new story. Instead, it offers the same plot that fans have seen a million times from the anime, manga, and other video game adaptations.

Granted, it does it well. Every scene is portrayed beautifully thanks to the graphics, and when coupled with the gameplay, it makes for an engaging way to experience the story. Plus, thanks to the side missions offered in the game, there are some areas that are expanded upon, if only very slightly.

Overall though, it doesn’t offer anything players couldn’t easily find somewhere else, and leaves World Seeker as a clear winner in this department.

Winner: One Piece: World Seeker


As for gameplay, it’s a bit less clearly-cut, if only because both expertly capture the feel of their series.

Both Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and One Piece: World Seeker expertly recreate the feel of their series. From the way characters move to how they fight, to how they can interact with the world around them, there are a wealth of details and mechanics that are tailor-made to make players feel immersed in their respective experiences.

One Piece Fans will have a blast in World Seeker shooting Luffy’s rubber limbs up and onto structures and surfaces, launching themselves into the air and swinging through cities like an elastic Spider-Man. They canbounce off of any surface with the Gum-Gum Baloon, and they can send enemies soaring across the battlefield with a barrage of Gear Fourth attacks.

Kakarot players, meanwhile, can soar through the sky as one of six of their favorite Dragon Ball characters, enveloped in Ki, stopping off every now and again to gather Dragon Balls or do battle with enemies. They can find hidden areas and bosses by exploring their surroundings, and so long as they’re playing as the right character, they can embark on side quests that expand upon certain storylines and arcs.

And yet, Kakarot ends up trailing behind World Seeker for a rather unfortunate reason: The lack of variety in its gameplay becomes exhausting as the game goes on.

Whereas World Seeker only lasts about 20 hours, Kakarot can stretch on for as many as 45-50 hours, depending on how long certain bosses take players to beat, whether they want to do all of the side quests and so forth.

As a result, most all of the cracks in its gameplay schemes start to show by the journey’s end, and will leave players wishing it were as compacted as World Seeker is.

Winner: One Piece: World Seeker


It was a close race, but for us, One Piece World Seeker edges out Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot for the better anime game.

While it has just as many flaws as Kakarot, and the overly realistic graphics can be off-putting at times, World Seeker manages to encapsulate the spirit and energy of One Piece into its gameplay masterfully.

Not only that, but its original story gives players a reason to go to it over past video game adaptations and sets it apart from the pack as a game not to miss.

A solid case can still be made for Kakarot though, and if you’ve got one, we’d love to read it down in the comments section below.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.

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