
10 Game Modes We Would Like to See in Dead By Daylight

More game modes = more meme opportunities!

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

The temporary game mode Lights Out was added to Dead By Daylight to celebrate the Alan Wake chapter. Many players loved it and are sad to see it go, but this may make room for other modifiers to take its place. After speaking to the DBD community, we have come up with ten game modes we would like to see next in Dead By Daylight.

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1. Double the Fun – 8 Vs 2

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

Join any Dead By Daylight fan page or group online and you will see this game mode suggested a lot! Some believe 6 Survivors vs 2 Killers would be more balanced but either way, a large map and more players would bring some much-needed chaos to Dead By Daylight.

There would be a need for larger maps, of course, and queue times may be brutal while you all wait for more players. The real fun would be to see how different Killer pairings work together. Being a Killer is a lonely job sometimes, so having another murderous friend working alongside sounds like fun. The real nightmare for Survivors would be if the Killers were also on comms, free to work strategically and take Survivors out together. Could you imagine two Michael Myers stalking you from both sides of the map? Or having Huntress hatchet a Survivor from a distance and then Nurse blink in to finish the job? Gameplay and strategy would change for both Survivors and Killers, so this mode could be a real winner!

2. Tag

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

Tag with a twist! This is a Dead By Daylight game mode that may work well with a few more Survivors. While in the lobby, everyone chooses their Survivor with a complete load-out and also which Killer they become if they get tagged.

In each match, there is one randomly assigned Killer and four other players who act as Survivors. The Killer must find a Suvivor and ‘tag’ them by putting them into the dying state. That Survivor then becomes the Killer! This mode would include no hooks, no gens, no hatch, and only one exit gate. The main aim is to escape as a Survivor, so if you are the Killer when everyone escapes then you lose! A timer determines the end of the match, triggering one exit gate to open. At this point, the Killer must find a Survivor and down them before they escape.

3. Prop Hunt

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

Prop Hunt is a Dead By Daylight game mode that already exists… but only on mobile. We would love to see this bit of silliness available on console and PC! It’s already such a popular mode in Fortnite and Call of Duty that there is no doubt the DBD community would enjoy it too. To win you should either be the last prop standing or outlast the game timer or, as Killer, find all of the Survivor Props.

The game has two Killers and eight Survivors with the roles randomly assigned. Survivors load in as random props and have a minute to find the best place to look inconspicuous. After another 60 seconds, they can change the prop or stay as they are. The Killers then have to seek out each Survivor. Survivor props must move around or risk having their location exposed to the Killers! The best thing about this mode is that Survivors are not teammates and can use a feature to essentially sandbag other players. Just move around in the vicinity of Killers to fill up the meter and once it is full you can expose the location of another player.

4. Suspicious Survivors

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

One of these Survivors is not like the others… in this suggested Dead By Daylight game mode, there is no Killer. Instead, a murderer is hiding in the ranks and must sneakily take out each teammate before they escape.

The randomly assigned Suspicious Survivor must act innocently while sabotaging generators, poisoning med kits, and killing everyone before they escape. It will probably work best with more Survivors and extra tasks to complete for the escape. This would give everyone enough time to figure out who the spy is. Survivors can win if they accuse the correct player or they are afflicted with a status effect to hinder them if they are incorrect. An ‘imposters’ mode like this one would probably work best on an indoor map like the Raccoon Police Department or Lery’s Memorial Institute.

5. The Randomizer

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

Most of us have a suspicion that this mode will be introduced at some point, as a random loadout challenge has appeared on the tome a few times. There is something really fun about loading into a match without knowing what perks you will have.

As mentioned above, this has been part of a tome challenge in the past but I would make a few adjustments if it was to be a full game mode. Firstly, the only downside to random perks was not knowing what they each were as all you have to go on are the perk icons. There are almost 250 perks in DBD and no one can be expected to learn each one! It would be useful for the perk names to flash up on entry into the match. At least that way you could know what you have without a Google search.

Secondly, this mode should assign any one of the perks in the game whether or not you have unlocked them. It would give you a chance to try new perks out and make for some fun combos. It may even encourage players to purchase that character so they unlock the perk!

6. Respawn

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

In a regular game of Dead By Daylight, the Survivors must complete five out of the seven generators dotted around the map. They must avoid getting hooked, but once they are hooked for a third time they die. In Respawn mode, all seven generators must be repaired to escape! Survivors are given an extra chance, however, as they can respawn after they are killed for the first time.

So how exactly would this work? The Killer will need to down and hook a Survivor the usual three times before the Survivor can respawn. Once they respawn they will only have one more chance to survive! This also means there would be no room for second-chance perks such as Decisive Strike or No One Escapes Death. Killers would have to think carefully about what perks they bring, with the main focus being on repair slow-down perks. Survivors, on the other hand, will require teamwork and perhaps a bit of gen rushing… players should be prepared for long games!

7. Killer Cult Tag

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

Just like the tag mode earlier in this list but with a slight difference. Can you imagine a map full of Killers? This mode has the potential to create nightmarish games that end up with Clown, Bubba, Ghostface, and Chucky teaming up!

It starts just like Tag, with no hooks, no gens, and with a larger group of players. One Killer is randomly assigned and the rest of the Survivors try not to get caught and tagged! If a Survivor is put in the dying state they are essentially tagged, but instead of being out of the game they will turn into a Killer and join in to find the rest of the Survivors. This could work with each player choosing their own Killer type or the group voting in the pre-game lobby for which Killer any tagged Survivor will become. Survivors can win by outlasting the timer, while Killers win by getting every player to join the Killer Cult.

8. Capture The Flag/Gen

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

A Capture the Flag game mode in Dead By Daylight would see Killers and Survivors teaming up to become the masters of the map! This mode would have two teams of at least 5 players on each side: one Killer and four Survivors.

The aim is to repair all of your gens before the other team does and escape out of your assigned exit gate. The map is split into two halves with one exit gate on each side accessible to that group only. The Survivors must repair generators and avoid getting sabotaged and hooked by the other team’s Killer. The other team can also sabotage the chests, gens, and exit gate of the opposing team to slow them down. The Killers can hook Survivors and use other perks to help their team sabotage the gens but no Survivor can be sacrificed. This would encourage the Killers to use perks like Thanatophobia and Coulrophobia to slow progress instead.

9. Wonderland

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

Wonderland is an idea inspired by the classic Alice in Wonderland tale and would make for a goofy and fun game mode! It would be basic Dead By Daylight gameplay with a trippy twist.

All players in Wonderland mode will enter a whole new world where nothing is as it seems. Signposts will point in the wrong direction and rabbit holes will take you to a random spot on the map. Inside chests, you would find consumables such as mushrooms and bottles which read ‘Drink Me’. Eating or drinking these items will give you random effects such as speed boosts, increase or decrease your size, or show your aura to all other players, including the Killer. These consumables will work for the Killers too, so you could end up with a giant Chucky doll sprinting towards you or popping out of a rabbit hole nearby!

10. Weather The Storm

Image Source: Behaviour Interactive via Twinfinite

Weather The Storm is your basic Dead By Daylight game mode with the added pressure of stormy weather. Not only will the weather change how much you can see, but it can disrupt the gameplay!

Huge storms will appear across the map with driving rains obscuring your vision and thunder covering any sounds you may normally hear. The map will become dark periodically as clouds roll on through. Not only that but lightning will strike randomly, damaging generators and hooks and even hitting players and dealing status effects! This mode will create a dramatic and chaotic game for every player. There could even be different weather types introduced such as burning sunshine, freezing hail, or snow that could all affect players in different ways.

About the author

Rowan Jones

Rowan is a writer from Devon, U.K with a BA in Education Studies. The first video game Rowan fell in love with was Treasure Island Dizzy on the ZX Spectrum but has since progressed to bigger and better titles. She has been writing game guides for mobile and console since 2020 within Gamurs Group. Rowan has a love/hate relationship with Dead By Daylight and a completely healthy obsession with Fortnite.

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