
6 Actors Who Should Totally Play Wolverine in the MCU

6 Actors Who Should Portray Wolverine in the MCU

Wolverine Image Source: Comic Vine

Mutants and the X-Men are coming to the MCU, that much is clear; in fact, with projects like Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Ms. Marvel, they are already here. However, who will be taking on these iconic roles is a central question going forward, with Wolverine being arguably the most talked about and argued about when it comes to who should play the character in the MCU.

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Hugh Jackman gave an iconic performance as Wolverine, which leads some to wonder if Marvel will want to have someone whose portrayal is more akin to Jackman’s portrayal or someone who is different. Both have merits, as people could not be open to having a different kind of Wolverine, while others may find a copy stale and unoriginal; only time will tell. It is also entirely possible that they will want to go with a lesser-known actor, which isn’t something that will be taken into account here as this is a fan cast.

It should also be noted that, unlike other X-Men members, age is much more integral to the character. While the other X-Men are often much more up in the air in terms of whether or not they will be younger or older in an upcoming Mutants project, Wolverine is likely one of the characters who will always be somewhat on the older side. Going alongside this, a lot of fans want a shorter actor to play the character, as Logan is 5’3 in the comics, so if Marvel wants to have Logan be more comics accurate in the MCU, then this may need to be taken into account.

Please note that Taron Egerton is not included on this list because he seemingly confirmed that Wolverine is not the Marvel character he was in talks to portray, which would obviously take him out of the running to play the mutant.

So, without further ado, here are 6 actors who should totally play Wolverine in the MCU.

Keanu Reeves

Image Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

Probably one of the more common answers to this question, Keanu Reeves is someone who could absolutely play Wolverine if Marvel wants to have someone comparable to Hugh Jackman, especially because Keanu is only an inch shorter than Jackman. Reeves would undoubtedly be a great addition to the MCU, as he is best known by audiences for his work in action, something that a Wolverine actor would likely need to be experienced in.

Keanu Reeves was also the star of the franchise that pioneered modern-day action movies, The Matrix, so it only seems fitting that the man joins the biggest action franchise of the 21st century. However, he is the most notable celebrity on this list, so if Marvel Studios wants to have a lesser-known star, Reeves would probably not be someone who would make the final cut. Really, the only issue with Keanu Reeves is that the movie star may be too old for how old Marvel is willing to go with the character, but if there’s any X-Man who might be distinguished by being a bit older, it would be Wolverine. Not to mention, he’s also Canadian, which helps make him an even better choice as that is an important aspect of the character.

Jensen Ackles

Image Source: Amazon Studios

If Marvel wants to go down the route of having an actor who isn’t big in the television space, then Jensen Ackles is a perfect choice. Also, despite not having an impressive library of movies, Ackles is still a respected actor with a fanbase due to his work on Supernatural.

In addition, remember that if the MCU wants Wolverine to have a comics accurate costume, they’ll need to find someone willing to cover up their face, likely meaning that they get a celebrity who isn’t a big star in the movie business. Furthermore, Ackles is able to use a voice that is pretty unique to him and one that perfectly suits the character.

Daniel Radcliffe

Image Source: Warner Bros. Television

Daniel Radcliffe is someone who has been in the conversation of playing Wolverine by fans for a while now, in large part due to his shorter stature, being at 5’5. The actor’s height certainly helps make him a good choice for the X-Man, specifically if Marvel wants to take that part of the character from the comics. Plus, if you’ve ever seen him outside of Harry Potter, you know how good of an actor he can be. Radcliffe has a fantastic talent for disguising himself in the roles he portrays, which could be highly beneficial for an actor playing Wolverine.

Still though, he is more of an option if Marvel Studios decides they want to get as far away from the Hugh Jackman portrayal as possible, which could make him a terrific choice for Wolverine if they go down this path. Not to mention, fan images involving the actor as Wolverine have shown how much the actor could make himself look perfect as the character, which has even got Radcliffe’s attention, with him even expressing interest in getting cast as Logan.

Taylor Kitsch

Image Source: Amazon Studios

Now yes, Taylor Kitsch was Gambit in X-Men Origins: Wolverine; however, this should not stop Marvel Studios from considering the man as Wolverine. First of all, something important that sets Kitsch apart from most of the other guys on this list is that he is Canadian; this is something that is a huge detail for most fans of the mutant. It is a massive part of the character’s history and something that Marvel really should not ignore.

Also, Kitsch may not be too short, but he is under 6 feet, so there is room to play around with his portrayal. He also has the face and body for the character, particularly if the MCU would like to take their version down a route akin to Hugh Jackman.

Andrew Lincoln

Image Source: AMC Networks

Andrew Lincoln, a man mainly remembered from his time on the Walking Dead, is another fantastic choice for Wolverine if Marvel Studios is willing to go with an actor a bit older than they tend to cast nowadays.

The Love Actually star has proven that he is excellent at portraying a man with a tough exterior, with his role as Rick Grimes while also being an actor who can give his performance a bit more nuance. Lincoln has also been around the block in terms of acting, making himself an established actor who could make for a fantastic Wolverine. It also doesn’t hurt that due to his time on The Walking Dead, he has gained himself a potent fanbase that will likely support him in this project.

Wes Bentley

Image Source: 20th Television

Possibly the best candidate for the role, Wes Bentley not only has the look of Wolverine but also the acting chops that’ll make him great in the role. Bentley may appear from the outset as someone who would copy Jackman’s portrayal, but if anyone has seen his work before, particularly in American Horror Story, you will know he can be a terrific character actor. He would be great at balancing a portrayal that is somewhere between being an homage to Hugh Jackman while also bringing something to the role that is distinct.

Bentley has experience portraying characters with violent and gruesome tendencies, and likely would be willing to wear something more akin to Wolverine’s costume in the comics. Not only this, but due to his unique look and facial features, he is an actor who could presumably pull off whatever look Marvel Studios needs him to wear. While he may be a bit taller than the perfect choice would be, he still is under 6’0, something that is still workable. Wes Bentley just all around has the qualities that would make for an absolutely terrific Wolverine.

Featured Image Source: Comic Vine

About the author

Joel Tapia

Love anything gaming and entertainment. Favorite game genres include anything Kingdom Hearts, superheroes, and survival horror. Favorite TV shows include Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., WandaVision, Dark, and The Office. Can talk for hours on end about any of these things and more.

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