
Top 5 Most Shocking Reveals from The Game Awards 2020

ark II

Sephiroth in Smash

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Shocking Reveals From The Game Awards 2020

Despite knowing that there was going to be a new Smash character revealed at The Game Awards 2020, this was still one of the most jaw-dropping moments from the show.

I didn’t see anyone floating Sephiroth as a realistic contender to be added into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and not only did he show up to The Game Awards as the pick, he came in real hot.

The One-Winged Angel descended and put on a clinic, showing off all of his moves, and then brutally murdered Mario in front of everyone. It was wild.

Also, another moment of silence please for Waluigi fans….. thank you.

A New Perfect Dark

Shocking Reveals From The Game Awards 2020

Microsoft is probably only second to Sega in terms of sitting on a treasure trove of IPs… and not really ever doing anything with them. Kind of weird for a company that is struggling with exclusive games.

Finally, though, they are bringing a classic IP under their control back out into the light and it’s Perfect Dark. There were rumors, but it was a joyous moment for Nintendo 64 kids seeing arguably one of the best shooters of that generation once again.

The trailer itself was pretty nondescript, probably signifying that it far off, but it does end with an important confirmation that, yes, Joanna Dark will be back.

Ark II

Shocking Reveals From The Game Awards 2020

This has to be the most out-there, random, and what the F just happened reveals I’ve seen in a long time. Ark: Survival Evolved is a very popular sandbox survival game set in the time of dinosaurs with some hints at futuristic elements.

It getting a sequel eventually isn’t all that shocking, but the manner that which it was revealed was just… yeah. So the trailer starts out looking almost like a Horizon-clone of some kind. Sharing very similar vibes except that Vin Diesel is playing what appears to be the main character.

None of what is shown really looks anything like Ark: Survival Evolved, so until we saw the flash of futuristic tech at the end and the logo sprawl across the screen, few people had any idea what we were watching until…BAM Ark II.

Then to add to the craziness of it all, a new animated Ark II series will also be releasing in 2022. Not only does it star Vin Diesel (maybe he’s a big fan?), but it will also star Russell Crowe. There’s not a single human that would have just guessed all of that for last night.

Back 4 Blood

Shocking Reveals From The Game Awards 2020

While there were plenty of flashy trailers that really didn’t show too much in the way of gameplay, Back 4 Blood delivered on both fronts. It had an entertaining trailer introducing its characters and the world and then backed it up with an equally solid gameplay demo.

Back 4 Blood looks… really good, and if you’re a fan of Left 4 Dead you should be quite hyped up. Even in an early state, Back 4 Blood appears to be on track to be exactly as promised: a faithful spiritual successor with a very modern touch.

The demo showed off a chase segment of sorts where the characters must push through a large group of zombies while also contending with the approach of a hulking behemoth. It looked great. The frames are crisp, it visually looks modern and nice, and the gunplay appears to be solid as well.

The Next Mass Effect

Shocking Reveals From The Game Awards 2020

While the idea that we would get another drip-feed of information for the next Mass Effect game wasn’t totally out there, what was shocking is how much they actually revealed. Spoiler warning: if you’re concerned about super late, years later spoilers about Mass Effect 3, don’t read on.

To the untrained eye, it might have just seemed like a barebones trailer, but there’s actually a lot of implications that can be drawn from that reveal.

First, we know, almost for certain now, that the game will be returning to the Milky Way. How do we know this? Well the Asari that appears at the very end, with her freckles, is almost certainly Liara unless BioWare just wants to be particularly cruel.

The smile on her face when she finds the N7 armor is just another hint towards that. Not to mention she is an archaeologist and she would be particularly good at excavating things.

If what I’m saying above is true, and I admit that’s a big if, then that would also seem to suggest that the Destroy ending from Mass Effect 3 is canon which would also be a major reveal.

The Destroy ending is the only one where we see Shepard’s N7 armor and them seemingly taking a breath, implying that Shepard might have survived the events.

In Control and Synthesize Shepard appears to definitely be fried.

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.

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