
Fortnite Secrets: Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Battle Royale

best multi chest spawn locations, fortnite

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

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Loot is scattered pretty generously around the map of Fortnite Battle Royale, with even small structures, such as huts and barns, usually providing something useful. The best loot, however, is typically locked away in chests that are much harder to come by. But what’s better than a single gleaming chest full of precious loot? Two or three gleaming chests, of course! And believe it or not, there some great multi chest spawn locations in Fortnite. If you can memorize these locations, you’ll have a huge advantage at the start of a battle, or a handy go-to spot during the late game when you’re in need of better weapons or health recovery.

Here, we’re giving you the exact location of some of the best multi chest spawn locations in Fortnite. These double or sometimes triple chest locations are your best chance of scoring an Epic or Legendary weapon, though that isn’t ever guaranteed. For an image of where every chest is located in Fortnite Battle Royale, check out this handy map, listing all chest locations in the game.

UPDATE: Learn more Fortnite secrets with our specific list of Season 6 multi chest spawns!


Houses South of Haunted Hills

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Not too far south of Haunted Hills, you’ll find a house and an abandoned barn-looking building. Though you won’t find two chests right next to one another in either of these buildings, you can find at least one in each.

The abandoned building has one next to its rather… gappy wall on its north side, while the actual house has a chest tucked away in its roof. It’s not quite as lucrative as some of these other Fortnite multi chest spawn locations, but it’s certainly handy if you see a bunch of people heading to Haunted Hills with you after jumping off the battle bus.

Soccer Pitch

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

The soccer pitch has been around in Fortnite for quite some time, and it’s still arguably one of the quieter and better multi chest spawn locations in the game. While its soccer pitch has at least two chests tucked away in its elevated corners, you’ll also tend to find another on the hood of the crashed truck in the swimming pool.

Head a little further east in this locale and you’ll come across a gas station. Smash down the garage door on the building’s west side to find one chest tucked away. Then, head up the metal staircase on the outside of the building to find another potential chest spawn in the upstairs room.


The Town in the South of the Desert

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

This is our personal favorite of all the multi chest spawn locations in Fortnite right now. It can be incredibly busy if the Battle Bus’ path goes right past it, but that’s for good reason.

The town in the south of the desert isn’t difficult to track down. Just look for the road going east to west around the south of the map, and look for a cluster of buildings on your map. Once you land here, you’ll find pretty much a chest spawn location in almost every building.

They’re not all guaranteed to spawn in every single game, but from our experience landing here, there’s a good seven plus chests to be opened up. Just prepare for a bit of a fight!

Viking Village

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Added in at the start of Fortnite Season 5, Viking Village has kind of been forgotten about after the initial buzz. Some players do occasionally still land here, but not half as often as other named locations. Fortunately, it still has some great multi chest spawn locations, so let’s run you through a few.

First and foremost, you can find a multi chest spawn by heading over to the boat. You’ll find one on the top deck of the boat towards its north end, and then another by breaking through the floor into the bottom of the ship.

There’s another multi chest spawn location inside the large building to the north of this named location, one on the floor, and another on the opposite side a few floors up that you can build up to. Head straight out of the door to the east and down towards the small stable-looking building right in front of you to find another chest.

Even after these, there are still at least another three to five chests littered about on their own, so it’s well worth landing here in a solos game and hoping you get the entire place to yourself.

Floating Island Outskirts

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Fortnite Season 6 decided to revamp Loot Lake. Let’s be honest, it wasn’t the most exciting spot on the map beforehand anyway. Well, now the house that once sat in the middle of the body of water is now suspended in mid-air by the cube. The ground surrounding the island has also been pulled up, creating a sort of outer lip to the floating island.

While the floating island is pretty busy right now with Season 6 having just begun, it will quieten down eventually. Rather than going for the actual house itself, though, focus on the outskirts of this floating island. There are a ton of chests literally dotted around the entire perimeter fairly close together.


Below the Floating Island

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

It’s not just the floating island that’s been given some multi chest spawn location love in Fortnite, either. Once you’re done grabbing your chests from the outskirts of the floating island, leap off and glide down into the vortex below. It’s difficult to land here because of the vortex pushing you back up, but persevere and you’ll be generously rewarded.

Though it’s difficult to see in the image above, there are actually three chests in sight. One on the far right of the screen, Another just above my character’s right hand, and another just to the left of the vortex on that island. With all the attention on the floating island, dipping below and grabbing these multi chests is a surefire way to set yourself up nicely for a game. Currently one of the best multi chest spawn locations in Fortnite right now.


Loot Lake’s Eastern Island

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

We’re sticking around at Look Lake for this one, though this wasn’t one of the multi chest spawn locations added in as part of Season 6. In fact, this came as part of the meteor crash back at the end of Season 4. Make your way to the far east edge of Loot Lake and you’ll find a tiny island with a giant rock on it.

Just in front of this rock, you’ll find another of the multi chest spawn locations. And if you’re quick, you can quickly head north onto land to get yourself another chest. Climb up to the campsite just on the nearby hill, and you’ll find another chest sitting in the center.


Tomato Temple’s Secret Cave

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

For this one, we’re using a couple of images to show you what this secret cave looks like from the outside, as well as the multi chest spawn locations inside. In order to get to this one, you’re going to want to land in the northwest section of Tomato Temple. You’re wanting to land by the tree to the north of house. It’s on a little ledge of its own, and then you should see the rocks piled up as shown in the image above.

Break through the rocks and you’ll have to smash through some wooden boards, too. Turns out someone really didn’t want us finding this double chest spawn location! There are normally two chests inside this little cave, one either side of the tomato head statue. However, it’s worth noting that this can sometimes only spawn a single chest. Still, it’s a neat location to remember if you’re passing through Tomato Temple in the mid game.

Risky Reels’ East Side Building

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Risky Reels doesn’t always get the love it deserves. Despite not having the abundance of chests that the likes of Tilted Towers or Paradise Palms have, it can still hold its own. In fact, if you’re looking for a quiet landing spot, chances are you won’t get much better than Risky Reels. You’re here to find out about the multi chest spawn location here, though.

You’re going to want to land on the east side of Risky Reels for this one. Keep an eye out for the red, long building made out of wood. Head inside and you should see a bunch of benches running the length of its interior. Forget about these, because in the middle you should see two chests just waiting to be grabbed. Easy!


Wailing Woods’ New House in the North-East

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Epic Games clearly wanted to give Wailing Woods a bit of love in Season 6. And can you blame them? It’s arguably been the most neglected and quietest named locale on the map for quite some time. Well, with this new multi chest spawn location, things could potentially get that little bit busier.

In the north-east section of Wailing Woods, you’ll now spot a building-looking outline on your map. When coming in to land, or just finding it running around, you’re looking for an RV parked outside and a small shed just next to the house.

Inside the house, you can find at least one chest on the main floor, another in the basement, and one in the roof if you’re lucky. You can also find one chest in the shed and another in the back of a car north of here as shown in the image.


The Metal Shack

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Epic Games loves dropping in random new buildings and secrets for players to find on Fortnite’s map, and they did it again in Season 6. To the very north of Lazy Links, you can find a metal 1×1 shack. It’s got all of your household essentials tucked away inside, like a bed, fridge, cooker, and some storage space, too.

Oh, and then the entire thing is one beautiful multi chest spawn location. You should find three chests spawn in here every time, so that’s certainly nothing to scoff at!


The Brick Shack

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

We’re not gonna lie, we’re pretty sure these new shacks are a little reference to The Three Little Pigs, as there’s also a wooden shack that can be found to the east of Paradise Palms. That only has one chest, though, so we don’t care about that here. This brick shack, however, we absolutely do.

Just like its metal counterpart above, it’s got the essentials to survive on Fortnite island. However, this shack only has a double chest spawn rather than a triple. We won’t say no, though!

Corrupted Ruin South of Haunted Hills

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Corrupted Areas are the latest addition to Fortnite in Season 6. Not only do they have Shadow Stones (when they’re not disabled for messing up the game), but you’ll find a good few chests, too. Up to three chests can spawn around the glowing purple rune on the floor at the center of this Corrupted Area to the south of Haunted Hills. Just be careful of enemy players hiding out of sight with a Shadow Stone just waiting to ambush you.


Wailing Woods’ Corrupted Ruin

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Another of these Corrupted Areas can be found in the southwest section of Wailing Woods. Again, at the very center of this Corrupted Area, you’ll find another of these glowing purple runes, with a triple chest spawn location right on top of it.

Just like with the previous one, however, you’re not always guaranteed that three chests will spawn here. But there should be at least one every time you go.


Haunted Hills’ Crypt

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Haunted Hills is another one of those Fortnite locations that doesn’t get quite as much love as the others, but there’s an absolute belter of a multi chest spawn location right in its center.

Rather than landing at the old crumbling church-looking building on the east side of this locale, land opposite it instead on the west side. It’s a significantly smaller building, but inside you’ve got a chance of stumbling upon another of the multi chest spawn locations in Fortnite. Also, right next to the double chest spawn, you’ve got the chance to grab another from the statue in the courtyard.

Corrupted Ruin Between Shifty and Greasy Grove

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

To the east of Greasy Grove and the west of Shifty Shafts, you’ll find another of Fortnite’s Corrupted Areas. Just as was the case with the others, you’ll want to run right to the center of it and look for the glowing purple rune on the floor. With a bit of luck, you’ll get a triple chest spawn location here, but failing that, there should be at least one or two for you to grab!


The Corrupted Ruin Northwest of Fatal Fields

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Right next to the mountain to the northwest of Fatal Fields, you’ll spot another of the Corrupted Areas on the map. You know what the drill is with these by this point. Head to the center of this purple splodge on your map, look for the ominously-glowing rune, and you should find another triple chest spawn location. Up to three chests spawn here, but you might not be so lucky in every game.


The Ruin Southwest of Dusty Divot

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

It’s the same deal with the ruin southwest of Dusty Divot. You’ll want to make your way to the center, right by the glowing rune, and hopefully you’ll find a triple chest spawn location in Fortnite. Failing that, you should be able to get at least one chest. Or, if you’re really unlucky, maybe just a Shadow Stone. They’re pretty cool still all the same!


Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

We promise this is the last of the Corrupted Area multi chest spawns in this post. Just to the south of Lazy Links and to the north of Loot Lake, you’ll find another of these Corrupted Areas in Fortnite. It’s a little smaller than the others, but at the center you can still find the glowing rune. Oh, and the triple chest spawn location dotted around it.

The Clock Tower

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

We’ll be keeping this post updated in the coming weeks as we find more double and triple chest spawns located in the new areas of the map.

Let’s get the glaringly obvious one out of the way. Anyone that has checked out Tilted Towers from the air will have seen the glistening orange glow coming from the clock tower. Two chests almost always spawn here. Beware, though, as you’d expect, the clock tower is a big bright beacon for anyone that’s gliding down in the area, and it’s typically swarming with players (as you can see from our screenshot).

What we will say is that if the Battle Bus doesn’t take you close to Tilted Towers, the clock tower makes a nice defendable fort in the mid/late game that comes packed with loot.


Eastern Tilted Tower Block

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

As you’d expect, there are other areas of Tilted Towers that have chests for you to loot in Fortnite Battle Royale. Notably, there’s a tower block in the eastern area of the city, just above the “w” in “Towers” that has two chests regularly spawn. The first can be seen through the window, but the second is on a lower level. There’s a sneaky way to get to it if you either haven’t managed to land on the roof or if you’re approaching the building in the late game and don’t want to go through its front door.

Similarly, if somebody beats you to the roof of the building, you can easily grab this before they get there. Simply mine some resources quickly and then go to the north wall of the building, build a ramp and then mine through the wall where the glistening chest noise is emanating from. Boom!


Snobby Shores Mansion

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Of all the new areas of interested added to Fortnite Battle Royale’s map in patch 2.2.0, Snobby Shores has to be the best in terms of chests and loot. And that makes sense, right? The wealthy elite of the island has the best and most valuable loot on the island! Every house in this leafy upmarket neighborhood has a chest tucked away somewhere, but if you can make it up to the mansion located right at the very top of the area, you’re in for a double or triple chest treat.

Start by landing on the roof and mine through where you can hear the glistening of the chest beneath. Loot the chest and drop into the house below.

Now make your way to the bottom floor and check under the staircase. Tada! Once you’ve done that, head through the door and into the garage.

In the back corner of the room is a storage area that you’ll have to build a ramp up to. Guess what they’re storing up there? And yes, in the above screenshot we found a bolt action sniper rifle on the garage floor, so there’s plenty of decent floor loot here, too!


Worst Houses, Best Street

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Just south of Snobby Shores are two houses. The owners of these quaint properties might not have had the money for a property on the same street as their wealthy neighbors, but they’re still packing their own stashes of chests! Head to the house on the left first, as you’ll find a chest or two in the cellar underneath the house, as well as a chest in both house’s attic space.

As you can see above, we’d already found some pretty decent loot before we’d even got up to the attic.

Industrial Outpost

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

One of the less talked about new areas on the map is a small industrial outpost just north-east of Flush Factory. This location makes for a really nice landing location as it’s just outside of popular areas that are super busy but close enough that you can quickly go there if you’re unable to locate any weapons.

As you can see from the screenshot above, there’s a factory on the eastern side of the outpost with a chest on its bottom floor. Once you’ve looted that one, exit through the door and you’ll immediately see a red truck in the parking lot.

Either jump on its bonnet or build a ramp to access the chest in its storage compartment.


House at Shifty Shafts

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Shifty Shafts is pretty chaotic, and it’s not exactly the best starting point unless you’re absolutely sure that there aren’t too many people landing in the area. What you’re much better doing is landing at the house just north of the shafts, where two chests can reliably be found. Land on the roof of the house and mine through to find the first, then jump out and use the resources you’ve just acquired to build a ramp to the top of the barn. There’s another chest waiting up there for you.


Motel North of Pleasant Park

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Speaking of new areas that haven’t been given much of a mention in Fortnite Battle Royale’s new map update, there’s a new Motel that’s been added to the area just north of Pleasant Park and East of Junk Junction. Try and land on its roof, or if you’re approaching from the ground, build a ramp up there. Straight away, you’ll likely see a chest on top of the caravan in the parking lot. Ignore that for now and mine through the very southern section of the roof.

As you can see above, we didn’t quite get it right, but if you mine through the corner you’ll find a chest immediately on the other side. Once you’ve got that, make sure to head back to the caravan outside and grab the chest on its roof.


Multi Chest House Near Pleasant Park

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

To the south-west of Pleasant Park is an isolated house surrounded by large trees, and it often hides more than one chest. The location is fairly close to the edge of the map and isn’t often visited by many players, so it’s an ideal place to land after jumping out of the Battle Bus. Not to mention, even if no chests spawn at all here, the house normally provides two or more weapons, items, and resources.

If you are making your way to the house straight from the Battle Bus, land on the roof and mine straight through it by holding the attack button. That way, you’ll pop straight into the attic, which is where the first of two chests potentially spawn. Approaching by foot, it’s simply a case of entering the building and taking the stairs all the way to the top.

Once you’ve looted that chest, head back down the stairs, and as you do so, look up toward the wall. See the crack on the lower right-hand side? Mine the wall until it disappears to reveal a secret room that normally contains a chest. There’s no need to build a ramp, just head back up the stairs and jump across to cash in on your discovery. See the picture below for a better look:

Two Houses, Three Chests

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Running just down the hill from the ice-cream van (which you can see in the background of the above picture), there are two houses grouped together. Both of them typically have chest spawn locations in the attic, but there’s also one hidden in a special underground room.

Approach the building with the wine cellar and mine your way through the hatch with the pickaxe. Descend into the cellar and find both a weapon/item and a chest in the room. Now it’s time to make your way back up to ground level and enter the house.

Of course, there will be items throughout the house itself, but the all-important chest is hidden upstairs. You can see the chest through a hole in the wall but to access it you’ll need to mine through the wall in the room at the top of the stairs.

When you’re ready, head across to the opposite house and go up to the top floor. You’ll see a crack in the wall if you look upward at the top of the stairs. This area can be accessed by building a ramp. There should be a chest up here to loot.

Ready to loot on? Head west after plundering the two houses and you will come across a barn. Go inside and go down the stairs to an underground room where you should find yet another chest.


Triple Chest Spawn in Greasy Grove

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

As we mentioned in our Fortnite Battle Royale strategy guide for beginners, landing in the middle of settlements generally isn’t the best tactic, but in the case of Greasy Grove, this might be the one exception to that rule. There’s a building in Greasy Grove that almost always contains two chests, and sometimes three.

In order to beat other players to the area and make sure you’ve got enough time to loot all the items and make your escape, try and reach this spot by landing on left side of this building (when approaching it as in the picture above) where the shape of the roof juts out into a smaller square. Immediately mine the floor with your pickaxe until it gives way and you drop into a small secret room containing a chest.

Loot the chest and then mine the wall directly behind it so that you can access the main building. Head over to the right side where there is a mezzanine and run to the back of the room where there’s a sign that reads “GUNS,” jump over the counter and you’ll see one or more chests to loot.


Barn Roof Full of Loot

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Another excellent starting location can be found east of Retail Rowe, where there is a cluster of rural-looking buildings surrounded by a fence. In the very center of this cluster you will see a large barn, and inside the roof of this barn, there is a chest spawn location that frequently yields two chests. The barn has no access point, so you must get onto the roof and mine through with the pickaxe. If you aren’t gliding onto the roof you’ll need to build a ramp in order to get up there. Update: the barn roof can actually be accessed by bouncing on one of the tire piles next to its wall. There’s one tire pile on each side.

This area sometimes also hides another chest, which is located at northern end of the cluster.


The Crashed Battle Bus

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

If you’re looking to get a quick head start in the early game without landing in a populated area, there’s a handy spot that frequently spawns two chests. Better yet, we’ve found that these seem to have a higher probability of containing green, blue, and even legendary assault rifles or special weapons, such as the sniper rifle or grenade launcher.

Sandwiched between Greasy Grove and Salty Springs is a fairly large hill. It’s just to the west of the river, which actually snakes in an s-bend around the hill. Halfway up that hill, you’ll find a crashed Battle Bus, stricken in a wreck and laying on its side. There should be a chest on top of the wreck and one laying next to the Bus. As we mentioned earlier, for some reason these chests spawn better weapons than what we typically find. Just take a look at the screenshots and check out what we found on a single playthrough!

Lonely Lodge

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

The entire Lonely Lodge area usually spawns five or six chests. It’s a section of the map that many players seem to favor parachuting directly into, but because there are so many ridges, trees, and small buildings dotted around, there’s enough cover to get in and out without being spotted.

The Lodge itself is a great place to start, and all the better if you can parachute directly onto its roof. As you can see from the above screenshot, the building has two compartments on either side of its roof. Both of these typically contain chests, but they are not accessible by foot, hence why landing on the roof is a good tactic. When you do start mining the roof with your pickaxe, remember to stand just off the section of roof you’re mining so as not to fall down — just in case there isn’t a chest down there.

If you have accessed the building on foot, you can always build up to these compartments, or you mine through the wall, as we’ve done in the above screenshot. Inside the Lodge proper, there’s usually another two or three chests on the mezzanine. One requires a well-timed jump (where we’re standing in the screenshot — there’s normally a wall separating this room), and you’ll need to mine through the wall to find the other (the area directly in front of the avatar in the above screenshot).


The Race Track

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

With the introduction of the desert biome, the good ol’ GUS race track got a makeover, too. Gone is the dirt track and grassy surroundings, and in comes an asphalt track and desert. There are a bunch of chests in the buildings on the west, but if you want a a slightly smaller multi chest spawn, head over to the west side.

In the garage building, you’ll find two chests sat up on elevated platforms. Build up and grab them. There are also usually a number of weapons littered on the floor here. Perfect if someone else lands with you.


Under the Big Tree

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

To the north east of Wailing Woods and just to the south of Risky Reels, you’ll find a tree by a small hill with a truck on the top.

Down by this tree, you’ll find at least two chest spawns here, and if you head up onto the hills just a little further south of the tree, you tend to be able to find some good weapon floor drops up here, too.

The Tree of Life

Best Multi Chest Spawn Locations in Fortnite

Here’s a nice alternative to diving straight into Greasy Grove, which can often be a total kill fest. Just to the east of the town and atop a tall mountain is the tree of life – an enormous tree that frequently spawns two chests underneath it. Not only is this a great starting point for loot, the area provides an excellent view of the surrounding towns and plains, so it’s a nice place to set up if you find yourself in the circle. You won’t have to worry about not having resources to build with, either, since the tree of life gives you an absolute ton of wood.

And there you have our best multi chest spawn locations in Fortnite. If you’re looking for more tips, tricks, and guides on the current season, be sure to check out our Fortnite Season 6 wiki.

About the author

Alex Gibson

Alex was a Senior Editor at Twinfinite and worked on the site between January 2017 and March 2023. He covered the ins and outs of Valorant extensively, and frequently provided expert insight into the esports scene and wider video games industry. He was a self-proclaimed history & meteorological expert, and knew about games too. Playing Games Since: 1991, Favorite Genres: RPG, Action

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