
Digimon World Next Order Guide: Tips For Beginners

Don’t Spend Too Much Time Picking a Starter

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Digimon World: Next Order Tips

Digimon World: Next Order

Unlike other games where your starters really set the tone for a large part of the opening acts, the 11 options you have in the beginning of Digimon World: Next Order are all fairly balanced. You’ll be able to train them up right after choosing, and by checking their History, can even steer what they Digivolve into. This is because Digimon, unlike certain other ‘mon you may have heard of, have a wider range of evolutions, and you can control which route your starters follow by paying attention to their stats and moods.

With this in mind, it’s better to get right into the action, rather than spend too much time deciding which egg you like more — get out there and start making moves. Trust us, things will move a lot smoother once you get a taste for the action.

Train Up Early

Digimon World: Next Order Guide

One of your first objectives in Digimon World: Next Order will be to use the training facilities. This allows you to pick which stats of your Digimon you want to level up. This is a perfect opportunity to not only Digivolve but to prepare yourself for the fights that follow. While you’re only required to go through one Digivolution during this part, you may as well continue until you have two Rookie Digimon which are notably stronger than the blobs you start out with.

This takes a total of maybe ten minutes. The only things you’ll want to make sure to do is rest in the nearby bed once they start to show signs of fatigue (a symbol of waterdrops will appear by their heads), to feed them if they get hungry (noted by a meat symbol), or to allow them to use the bathroom. You can get to Rookie without really worrying about anything other than rest, which can be done right in the training room.

The first few battles are surprisingly difficult, so this will get you ahead of the curve.

While Training, Make Sure Your Digimon Support One Another

Digimon World: Next Order Tips

You don’t have to train both your Digimon in Digimon World: Next Order in the same way. When in training, you’re given several options, and each of your Digimon can be placed together in one or in two separate ones. It’s unnecessarily time consuming (and straining on your resources such as food) to train them both in every single thing, and it’s also not necessary for Digivolution. You’ll really want to make it so they each excel at something else.

You can give one more of an HP focus to draw in attacks, while another has higher MP for more ability casting. Of course, there are some stats where both should get a little love, such as Stamina which allows them to last longer outside without feeling fatigue. But for the most part, you can play to their strengths and keep a balanced approach so you’re ready for anything. Keep in mind that they’ll also get stat boosts from battle, so don’t worry about them being stuck with only a few stats.

Pay Attention During Battles

Digimon World: Next Order Guide

Although your partners in Digimon World: Next Order fight on their own, you do still need to pay attention. You can offer a guiding hand that will be very necessary, especially when playing on normal. You’ll be able to alter how much MP they use on their own, pick which special abilities they use at specific times, and even use items mid battle.

One of the important reasons you’ll want to pay attention, though, is to give praise. This will restore Order Power which allows you to pull of bigger moves during battle. The more Order Power you have, the more likely you are to come away the victor.

Make Sure Your Digimon Don’t Poop Themselves

Digimon World: Next Order Tips

This is actually a really serious issue in Digimon World: Next Order. You have to actually care for your partners, which means feeding them, making sure they sleep, training them, and watching out for their hygiene. As your little monsters eat, they’ll feel the call of nature and will have to poop. You don’t need to worry about them pooping immediately, but if you’re close to town or an area with a bathroom, rush there as soon as you can. If not, use a Portable Toilet item.

While you can let them poop themselves a few times if there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it, allowing them to do so too often will adversely affect their stats and can lead to a less than favorable Digivolution in Digimon World: Next Order.

There’s Absolutely No Shame in Running Away

Digimon World: Next Order Guide

You have the option to flee battles by pressing Square, then choosing flee. This will at times be the best option early on in certain fights. If you see a Digimon with a red bar above their heads while exploring the world, this means they’re more powerful than you. Run.

If you’re unable to get away before the battle initiates, use the flee option. Sure, this returns you to the point where you entered that specific area, but it saves you from having both of your partners pass out and shortening their lives (which means less training time).

Use Your Items Sparingly

Digimon World: Next Order Tips

You’ll get some free items at the beginning of Digimon World: Next Order, and you’ll get some more every day by visiting the town. However, just because you’re getting them, doesn’t mean you should run right through them. Digimon World: Next Order is challenging; you’ll often find yourself in need of healing and food, especially if you’re into long excursions outside of town. Save yourself a lot of trouble by learning how to conserve.

In order to combat waste, choose your targets wisely, don’t waste time just standing around, and make every action count. The more time passes, the more likely it is for your partners to want to use the bathroom or to be hungry, meaning items will be wasted. If you get into battles with creatures you know you can’t beat, say goodbye to your healing items. Avoid these situations, don’t be a hero. At least not until you’re powerful enough to do so.

Don’t Expect to Make a Ton of Progress Right Away

Digimon World: Next Order Guide

Digimon World: Next Order is not an easy game, especially if you think you’re going to dive in and make some serious headway right away. There is a process. You have to train, you have to level up, you have to… well, die a few times. Your Digimon age and die, but as long as you treat them right, you’ll reap the benefits of a life well lived as they’re reborn as another egg. But, until then, you’re going to hit a lot of walls, and some may appear right when you leave town for the first time.

The Digimon get stronger the further you move away from the starting town, so you won’t be able to go very far in the beginning. You’ll just have to keep fighting the same ugly Goblimons, and hoping to succeed in training before the time comes to finally broaden your horizon. Do not let this discourage you. You’re not bad at the game (most likely), it’s just a very slow burn at first. You’re doing just fine.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.

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